Collisions | |
  GridMatrix | |
  CSCMatrix | |
  InvalidMatrixType | |
 Convergence | |
  Moments | |
 Diag | |
 Diag3DAdditional | |
 ED | |
 Eq | |
  CustomLinShape | |
  Profile | |
 Equil | |
  XPoint | |
 HeatDiag | |
 NLReader | |
  Param | |
  NameList | |
  NamelistReader | |
 PtlSlice | |
 Random | |
  rands | |
 Shift | |
 Streamed | |
  StreamView | |
  Task | |
 TracerDiag | |
 ValidityCheck | |
  Options | |
 adios2_comm_module | |
  adios2_comm_define_local_var | Overloaded interface for Adios define local variable |
  adios2_comm_define_variable | Overloaded interface for Adios define variable |
  adios2_comm_get_type | Overloaded interface for Adios get type info |
  xgcio_init | Overloaded interface for Adios stage write initialization |
  xgcio_timer_type | |
  xgcio_type | |
 ADIOS2Stream | |
 AdiosSpeciesData | Container for the x variable and y variables read from an ADIOS2 BP file |
 AlternatingStorage | |
 AoSoAIndices | |
 assert_mod | |
  assert | |
 BiasPotential | |
 Bicub | |
 bicub_mod | |
  bicub_cpp_type | |
  bicub_interpol | |
  bicub_type | |
  eval_bicub | |
 bicub_setup | |
 BicubCoeff | |
 Boundary | |
 BoundarySettings | |
 Bounds | |
 Charge | |
 Charges | |
 CheckerEntry | |
 CheckpointFiles | |
 CollisionGrid | |
 CollisionSpecies | |
 CollisionSpeciesScalars | |
 CollisionVelocityGrids | |
 comm_mod | |
 CommandLineInputs | |
  Option | |
 Complex | |
 coupling_core_edge_input | |
 coupling_core_edge_wrapper | |
 coupling_core_edge_xgc | |
 cpp_init | |
 cpp_input_module | This module contains input parameters that are only used in C++ code (this is temporarily not true, some are used in the resampling) |
 cpp_main_loop_module | |
 cub_setup | |
 CubInterp | |
 Diag1D | |
 Diag3D | |
 Diag3DF0F | |
  Drifts | |
 diag_module | |
  poin_type | Data structure for Poincare diagnostic |
 DiagF0 | |
 DiagF0DF | |
 Diagnostic | |
 Diagnostics | |
 Diffusion | Implements an anomalous transport (advection-diffusion) model for the kinetic electrons in the plasma simulation |
 diffusion_module | Module for computing anomalous transport by solving a simple Fick's law transport equation |
 DiffusionCoeffData | |
 DiffusionProfilesDiag | Diagnostic for writing diffusion profile data using ADIOS2 |
 Distribution | |
 DistributionPlan | |
 DMObjects | |
 DMWrapper | |
 DomainDecomposition | |
 ecuyer_random | |
 ElectricField | |
 elliptics_mod | |
 EMParField | |
 eq_module | Plasma EQuilibrium module (prefix EQ) (1) Magnetic equilibrium information (from eqd file usually) (2) Density and temperature (+flow) profiles (from .prf file) |
  eq_ftn_type | |
  lin_interp | |
 Equilibrium | |
 f0_module | |
 f0analysis_module | |
 f90moduleinterfaces | Explicit interfaces to somve PETSc function used by the FSA solver |
  matcreateshell | |
  matshellgetcontext | |
  matshellsetcontext | |
  pcgetapplicationcontext | |
  pcsetapplicationcontext | |
 fem_operations | This module contains functions to construct finite element matrices for Helmholtz type equations div(alpha grad(X)) + beta X = gamma, and evaluate div(grad_RZ(X)) and v.grad_RZ(X) operations |
 FFTWrapper | |
 Field | |
 Field00 | |
 Field< VarType::Scalar, PhiInterpType::None > | |
 Field< VarType::Scalar, PhiInterpType::Planes > | |
 Field< VarType::Vector, PhiInterpType::None > | |
 Field< VarType::Vector, PhiInterpType::Planes > | |
 Field< VarType::Vector2D, PhiInterpType::None > | |
 Field< VarType::Vector2D, PhiInterpType::Planes > | |
 FieldAlignedLocalFields | |
 FieldAlignedLocalFields< GyroKin, PhiInterpType::Planes > | |
 FieldCorrection | |
 FieldDecomposition | |
 FieldFollowingCoordinates | |
 FileReader | |
 FilterTmpViews | |
 fld_module | |
  fld_type | |
 FluxSurfaceAverage | |
 for | |
 FourierFilter | |
  Options | |
 getLocalFldType | |
 getLocalFldType< VarType::Scalar > | |
 getLocalFldType< VarType::Vector > | |
 getLocalFldType< VarType::Vector2D > | |
 getLocalLabeledFld | |
 getLocalPackType | |
 GetPotentialGradTemp | |
 GetPotGradFieldArgs | |
 GradientMatrices | |
 GradParXTmp | |
 Grid | |
 grid_class | |
  grid_type | |
 GridField | |
 GridField< Device, VT, PIT, TorType::MultiplePlanes, KinType::DriftKin, ScatterType::Atomic > | |
 GridField< Device, VT, PIT, TorType::MultiplePlanes, KinType::GyroKin, ScatterType::Atomic > | |
 GridField< Device, VT, PIT, TorType::OnePlane, KinType::DriftKin, ScatterType::Atomic > | |
 GridField< Device, VT, PIT, TorType::OnePlane, KinType::DriftKin, ScatterType::Replication > | |
 GridField< Device, VT, PIT, TorType::OnePlane, KinType::GyroKin, ScatterType::Atomic > | |
 GridField< Device, VT, PIT, TorType::OnePlane, KinType::GyroKin, ScatterType::Replication > | |
 GridFieldPack | |
 GridFieldPackGeneric | |
 GridFiles | |
 GuessList1D | |
 GuessTable | |
 GyroAverageMatrices | |
 HeatDiagnostics | |
 HostArray | |
 HyperViscosity | |
 IncreasePtlTorSettings | |
 InitialWeights | |
 input_module | |
 InputChecker | |
 InputPotential | |
 IOArray | |
 IOData | |
 IOScalar | |
 is_same_type | |
 is_same_type< T, T > | |
 Labeled | |
 lagrange_weights | This struct contains interpolation weights for 1D Lagrange interpolating polynomials of arbitrary order on a uniform 1D grid |
 lim_module | |
 LinearWeights | |
 LineOfSight | Represents a two-dimensional line-of-sight in cylindrical coordinates |
 load_balance_constraint_module | |
  performance_history | |
 load_balance_module | |
 LoadableBuffer | |
 LoadBalance | |
 LoadingFactor | |
 LoadRegion | |
 LocalEquilProfiles | |
 LocalEquilProfiles< MarkerType::ReducedDeltaF > | |
 LocalEquilProfiles< MarkerType::TotalF > | |
 LocalFields | |
 LocalPackType | |
 LocalPackType< Pack< Rest...> > | |
 LoopVolDiagnostics | |
 magnetic_field | |
 MagneticEquilFiles | |
 MagneticEquilFiles2D | |
 MagneticEquilFiles3D | |
 MagneticField | |
 main_extra | |
 main_module | |
 mat_class | |
  mat_ptr_type | |
  mat_type | |
 Matrix | |
 MatShellCtx | |
 Maxwellian | |
 MemoryPrediction | |
 mom_module | Moment generating function from f0_f data |
 Moments | |
 MonteCarloCollider | |
 multispecies | |
 my_mpi | |
 MyMPI | |
 NetworkMemoryStats | |
 neu_module | Module containing the global data and variables for the neutral particle recycling model |
 Neutrals | |
 omp_module | |
 OneDCoeff | |
 OneParticle | |
 ParticleLoadingParams | |
 ParticleStream | |
 partition_intersect_mod | |
 Pellet | |
 perf_monitor | |
 PerturbedBField | |
 petsc_solver_module | |
 Plane | |
 PlaneFieldGatherer | |
 PlaneFiles | |
 Plasma | |
  DecomposedRecalculableF0Arrays | |
 poisson_extra | |
 pol_decomp_module | |
 PolynomialBasis | |
 PolynomialBasisDistribution | |
 profile_setup | |
 Projection | |
 Pseudo_inverse | For description see source file |
 PseudoInvDiagnostics | |
 PseudoInversePetscObjects | |
 psn_class | This module defines the data structure psn that is used for storing data on the triangle grid (fields, potentials, densities, etc.) |
  psn_type | |
 ptb_3db_module | The module "ptb_3db" contains the framework for handling perturbed 3D magnetic fields in XGCa and XGC1 |
 ptl_module | |
  aind | |
  ptl_type | |
  ptl_type_aosoa | |
  sind | |
  species_type | |
 PtlMvmt | |
 PushControls | |
 PushDiagnostic | |
 pushe_module_cab | |
 qsort_mod | |
 Radiation | |
 random_xgc | |
  seeds_type | |
 RecvStruct | |
 rem_module | Remainining time estimation module |
 resamp_module | This module provides particle resampling capabilities |
  resamp_bin_type | |
 RNGSeed | |
 RZBounds | |
 RZPair | |
 setup_module | |
 Sheath | |
 sheath_module | Module for variables and routines related to the logical sheath boundary condition |
 SheathParticles | |
  SheathVec | |
 Simd | |
 SimdConstants | |
 SimdGridVec | |
 SimdGridWeights | |
 SimdGridWeights< Order::One, PIT > | |
 SimdGridWeights< Order::Zero, PIT > | |
 SimdGyroWeights | |
 SimdGyroWeights< DriftKin > | |
 SimdGyroWeights< GyroKin > | |
 SimdLinearWeights | |
 SimdParticles | |
 SimdPhase | |
 SimdPhiWeights | |
 SimdPhiWeights< PhiIndOnly > | |
 SimdPhiWeights< PhiWtNeeded > | |
 SimdVector | |
 SimdVector2D | |
 Simple00Solver | |
 Simulation | |
 sml_module | |
 smooth_module | |
 Smoothing | |
 solver_init_module | |
  solver_init_data | |
 solvertest_module | |
 SortViews | |
 Source | |
 Sources | |
 Species | |
 SplinePrecomputations | |
 src_module | |
 StepTrigger | |
 TaskGroup | A class that manages the distribution and execution of tasks in parallel using the MPI library. The TaskGroup class is responsible for managing the distribution and execution of tasks in parallel across multiple MPI processes. It provides methods for determining the number of tasks to be executed by each process, as well as methods for executing and communicating task-related data between processes |
 taskmap_module | |
 ThermalBath | |
 TmpColData | |
 TracerDiagnostics | |
 Tricub | |
 tricub_setup | |
 TricubCoeff | |
 two_dim_linear_fem | This module contains the code to evaluate the matrix entries in 2-dimensional linear finite element equations of Helmholtz form -div(alpha grad(X) + beta X = gamma |
 UnfusedPushTmpViews | |
 UniformRange | |
 unused_fortran_inputs_module | |
 UpcastVector | |
 VaryingBackground | |
 VecConstants | |
 VecParticles | |
 VecParticlesSimple | |
 VecPhase | |
 VelocityGrid | |
 Vertex | |
 VertexList | |
  IntegerRange | |
 VertexMap | |
 VFDiag | |
 VFDiag< PushDiagToggle::On > | |
 VGridDistribution | |
 VGridWeights | |
 ViewArithmeticPointers | |
 VolumesAndAreas | |
 XGC_IO | |
 XGC_IO_Stream | |
 xgc_solver_module | This module defines the data structure and global variables needed for the Poisson solvers (or generally PETSc ksp-solvers) |
  xgc_solver | |
 xgc_ts_module | |
  xgc_ts | |