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Sources Struct Reference

#include <sources.hpp>

Collaboration diagram for Sources:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 Sources (NLReader::NamelistReader &nlr, const DomainDecomposition< DeviceType > &pol_decomp, const MagneticField< DeviceType > &magnetic_field, const Grid< DeviceType > &grid, const VelocityGrid &vgrid, Plasma &plasma, bool overwrite_existing_files)
void close_streams ()
bool is_triggered (int step)

Public Attributes

int f_source_period
 Frequency of f_sources. More...
Source neutrals
Diffusion diffusion
Radiation radiation
Source heat_and_torque
Source collisions
Source current_drive
Pellet pellet
ThermalBath thermal_bath
CollisionMode col_mode
 Collision operator model. More...
MonteCarloCollider< DeviceTypecol_mc
 Monte carlo collisions, only used by MonteCarloNonConserving. More...
CollisionGrid< DeviceTypecol_grid
 Collision grid, only used by NonLinearFokkerPlanckLandau. More...

Private Attributes

StepTrigger step_trigger

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Sources::Sources ( NLReader::NamelistReader nlr,
const DomainDecomposition< DeviceType > &  pol_decomp,
const MagneticField< DeviceType > &  magnetic_field,
const Grid< DeviceType > &  grid,
const VelocityGrid vgrid,
Plasma plasma,
bool  overwrite_existing_files 

< Switch for a simple radiation module using part of the ADAS

< Start time of neutral recycling in ion time steps

< Start time of source in ion time steps

< Switch for anomalous diffusion

< Start time (in time steps) for anomalous diffusion

< On/off switch for pellet ablation

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

void Sources::close_streams ( )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool Sources::is_triggered ( int  step)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

CollisionGrid<DeviceType> Sources::col_grid

Collision grid, only used by NonLinearFokkerPlanckLandau.

MonteCarloCollider<DeviceType> Sources::col_mc

Monte carlo collisions, only used by MonteCarloNonConserving.

CollisionMode Sources::col_mode

Collision operator model.

Source Sources::collisions
Source Sources::current_drive
Diffusion Sources::diffusion
int Sources::f_source_period

Frequency of f_sources.

Source Sources::heat_and_torque
Source Sources::neutrals
Pellet Sources::pellet
Radiation Sources::radiation
StepTrigger Sources::step_trigger
ThermalBath Sources::thermal_bath

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