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eq_module Module Reference

Plasma EQuilibrium module (prefix EQ) (1) Magnetic equilibrium information (from eqd file usually) (2) Density and temperature (+flow) profiles (from .prf file) More...

Collaboration diagram for eq_module:
Collaboration graph

Data Types

type  eq_ftn_type
type  lin_interp

Public Member Functions

subroutine force_eq_den_quasi_neutral (spi, spn, charge)
logical function is_rgn12 (r, z, psi)
logical function is_rgn1 (r, z, psi)
subroutine eq_ftn_type_allocation (isp, nsp)
subroutine eq_ftn_setup (ftn)
 setup eq_ftn functions ftnshape determines analytic function shape. (-1 is for file input). shape 0: constant. return v1 shape 1: hyperbolic tanh. x1 - center of hyperbolic tanh, x2 - width of tanh v1 - pedestal top (left), v2 - pedestal bottom (right) shape 2: linear function line which passes (x1,v1), (x1+x2,v2). x2 is delta shape 3: exponential tanh. A * exp(B * w tanh( (r0-r)/w)) x1 = r0, x2 = w, x3=w/B, v1 = A, v2 = B shape 4: modified hyperbolic tanh : sqrt linear + tanh More...
recursive real(8) function eq_ftn (p, r, z, ftn)
real(8) function eq_dftn (p, r, z, ftn)
subroutine init_ftn_spline (ftn)
subroutine init_ftn_spline_with_data (ftn, num, psi_in, var)
subroutine ftn_evaluation (spl, psi, val)
subroutine ftn_derivative (spl, psi, der, val)
subroutine init_ftn_lin (ftn)
subroutine ftn_evaluation_lin (lin, psi, val)
subroutine ftn_derivative_lin (lin, psi, val)

Public Attributes

character(len=80) eq_filename ='eq.h5'
 eq_filename is the name of the eqd input (output for M3D-C1 input) file More...
character(len=80) eq_m3dc1_filename ='C1.h5'
 Name of the M3D-C1 data file. More...
character(len=100) eq_g_filename = 'null.eqd'
 gqdsk file generated from M3D-C1 data (needed for wall shape and consistency) More...
real(8) eq_min_r = 0D0
real(8) eq_max_r = 0D0
real(8) eq_min_z = 0D0
real(8) eq_max_z = 0D0
 Not needed anymore – can be removed. More...
real(8) eq_axis_r = 0D0
real(8) eq_axis_z = 0D0
 R, Z, B of magnetic axis. More...
real(8) eq_x_psi = 0D0
real(8) eq_x_z = 1D1
real(8) eq_x_r = 1.7D0
real(8) eq_x_slope = 0D0
 psi, R, Z of (first) X-point. eq_x_slope = dZ/dR – slope from axis More...
real(8) eq_psi_norm = 0D0
logical eq_set_x2 = .false.
 determine if there is second (upper) X-point to consider. This will be overriden by flx.aif. More...
real(8) eq_x2_z = 1D1
 Z value of second (upper) X-point. More...
real(8) eq_x2_r = 1.7D0
 R value of second (upper) X-point. More...
real(8) eq_x2_slope = 0D0
 slope of second X-point. More...
real(8) eq_x2_psi = 0D0
 psi of second X_point More...
real(8) eq_out_decay_factor = 1D-1
 profiles decay exponentially to f(sml_outpsi)*decay_factor for psi>sml_outpsi More...
real(8) eq_priv_flux_decay_factor = 5D-2
 profiles decay exponentially to f(sml_outpsi)*decay_factor in priv. flux region More...
real(8) eq_out_decay_width = 3D-2
 width for exponential decay for psi>sml_outpsi More...
real(8) eq_priv_flux_decay_width = 1.5D-2
 width for exponential decay in private flux region More...
integer eq_den_rsp_index = 0
 Due to quasineutrality, the density of one species should be obtained from that of the others: specify its index here. More...
integer eq_den_rsp_sample_num = 1024
 Density for the reduced spcies (rsp) is constructed from this number of samples. More...
real(8) eq_den_rsp_xmax = 1.3D0
 normalized value of psi for domain setting psi_norm = [0, xmax], psi = psi_norm * eq_x_psi More...
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_dens_v1
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_dens_v2
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_dens_v3
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_dens_x1
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_dens_x2
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_dens_x3
 Parameters defining the analytic profile functions of the species densities. More...
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_temp_v1
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_temp_v2
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_temp_v3
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_temp_x1
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_temp_x2
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_temp_x3
 Parameters defining the analytic profile functions of the species temperatures. More...
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_flow_v1
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_flow_v2
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_flow_v3
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_flow_x1
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_flow_x2
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_flow_x3
 Parameters defining the analytic profile functions of the species toroidal flow. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable eq_dens_shape
integer, dimension(:), allocatable eq_temp_shape
integer, dimension(:), allocatable eq_flow_shape
 Variable defining the type of analytic function used for density, tempeature and toroidal rotation profiles (-1 for file input) More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable eq_flow_type
 Type ID of parallel flow/toroidal rotation (u_||, u_||/R, omega_tor) 0: parallel flow (m/s) is flux function. 1: u_parallel/R is flux function 2: Omega_tor is flux function (rigid body rotation),. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable eq_dens_diff_shape
integer, dimension(:), allocatable eq_flow_diff_shape
integer, dimension(:), allocatable eq_t_diff_shape
integer, dimension(:), allocatable eq_pinch_v_shape
 Variable defining the type of analytic function used for profiles of particle diffusivity, momentum diffusivity, heat conductivity and particle pinch velocity (-1 for file input) More...
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_dens_diff_v1
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_dens_diff_v2
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_dens_diff_v3
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_dens_diff_v4
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_dens_diff_x1
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_dens_diff_x2
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_dens_diff_x3
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_dens_diff_x4
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_dens_diff_x5
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_flow_diff_v1
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_flow_diff_v2
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_flow_diff_v3
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_flow_diff_v4
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_flow_diff_x1
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_flow_diff_x2
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_flow_diff_x3
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_flow_diff_x4
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_flow_diff_x5
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_t_diff_v1
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_t_diff_v2
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_t_diff_v3
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_t_diff_v4
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_t_diff_x1
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_t_diff_x2
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_t_diff_x3
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_t_diff_x4
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_t_diff_x5
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_pinch_v_v1
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_pinch_v_v2
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_pinch_v_v3
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_pinch_v_v4
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_pinch_v_x1
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_pinch_v_x2
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_pinch_v_x3
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_pinch_v_x4
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_pinch_v_x5
character(len=100), dimension(:),
character(len=100), dimension(:),
character(len=100), dimension(:),
 File names for density, temperature and flow input files. More...
character(len=100), dimension(:),
character(len=100), dimension(:),
character(len=100), dimension(:),
character(len=100), dimension(:),
 File names for particle, momentum, heat diffusivity, and particle pinch. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable eq_fg_temp_shape
integer, dimension(:), allocatable eq_fg_flow_shape
integer, dimension(:), allocatable eq_fg_flow_type
character(len=100), dimension(:),
character(len=100), dimension(:),
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_fg_temp_v1
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_fg_temp_v2
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_fg_temp_v3
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_fg_temp_x1
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_fg_temp_x2
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_fg_temp_x3
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_fg_flow_v1
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_fg_flow_v2
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_fg_flow_v3
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_fg_flow_x1
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_fg_flow_x2
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_fg_flow_x3
integer, dimension(:), allocatable eq_mk_temp_shape
integer, dimension(:), allocatable eq_mk_flow_shape
integer, dimension(:), allocatable eq_mk_flow_type
character(len=100), dimension(:),
character(len=100), dimension(:),
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_mk_temp_v1
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_mk_temp_v2
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_mk_temp_v3
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_mk_temp_x1
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_mk_temp_x2
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_mk_temp_x3
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_mk_flow_v1
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_mk_flow_v2
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_mk_flow_v3
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_mk_flow_x1
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_mk_flow_x2
real(8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_mk_flow_x3
integer, parameter eq_mid_r_npsi =50
 For poloidal flux -> midplane R function. Number of evaluation points. More...
real(8), dimension(eq_mid_r_npsieq_mid_r_psi = 0D0
 For poloidal flux -> midplane R function. Function data. More...
real(8) eq_mid_r_dp = 0D0
real(8), parameter epsil_psi = 1D-5
integer, parameter ftn_lin_n =1000
logical, parameter use_ftn_lin =.true.
type(eq_ftn_type), dimension(0:ptl_nsp_max),
type(eq_ftn_type), dimension(0:ptl_nsp_max),
type(eq_ftn_type), dimension(0:ptl_nsp_max),
type(eq_ftn_type), dimension(0:ptl_nsp_max),
type(eq_ftn_type), dimension(0:ptl_nsp_max) eq_dens_diff
type(eq_ftn_type), dimension(0:ptl_nsp_max) eq_t_diff
type(eq_ftn_type), dimension(0:ptl_nsp_max) eq_flow_diff
type(eq_ftn_type), dimension(0:ptl_nsp_max) eq_pinch_v

Detailed Description

Plasma EQuilibrium module (prefix EQ) (1) Magnetic equilibrium information (from eqd file usually) (2) Density and temperature (+flow) profiles (from .prf file)

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

real(8) function eq_module::eq_dftn ( real(8)  p,
real(8)  r,
real(8)  z,
type(eq_ftn_type ftn 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

recursive real(8) function eq_module::eq_ftn ( real(8)  p,
real(8)  r,
real(8)  z,
type(eq_ftn_type ftn 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine eq_module::eq_ftn_setup ( type(eq_ftn_type ftn)

setup eq_ftn functions ftnshape determines analytic function shape. (-1 is for file input). shape 0: constant. return v1 shape 1: hyperbolic tanh. x1 - center of hyperbolic tanh, x2 - width of tanh v1 - pedestal top (left), v2 - pedestal bottom (right) shape 2: linear function line which passes (x1,v1), (x1+x2,v2). x2 is delta shape 3: exponential tanh. A * exp(B * w tanh( (r0-r)/w)) x1 = r0, x2 = w, x3=w/B, v1 = A, v2 = B shape 4: modified hyperbolic tanh : sqrt linear + tanh

     - derivative is not continuous. please use shape 5 instead. 

shape 5: modified hyperbolic tanh : sqrt linear + tanh A ( (1+z slope) e^z - e^-z) / (e^z + e^-z) + B z = 4 * (center - sqrt(center psi) )/width x1 - center of tanh, x2 - width, x3 - core psi (for sqrt linear part - line passes (x3,v3)) v1 - pedestal top value, v2 - pedestal bottom value, v3 - core value (for sqrt linear part) shape 6: Just like case(5) but with an additional tanh that increases with increasing psi Primarily for the diffusivity profiles. v4 - far SOL value (usually > iny(2)) x4 - center of second tanh, usually ~ eq_x_psi x5 - widht of second tanh Second tanh is from 0 to v4 with center x4 and width x5

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine eq_module::eq_ftn_type_allocation ( integer, intent(in)  isp,
integer, intent(in)  nsp 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine eq_module::force_eq_den_quasi_neutral ( integer, intent(in)  spi,
integer, intent(in)  spn,
real (8), dimension(spi:spn), intent(in)  charge 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine eq_module::ftn_derivative ( type (ezspline1_r8)  spl,
real (8)  psi,
integer  der,
real (8)  val 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine eq_module::ftn_derivative_lin ( type (lin_interp lin,
real (8)  psi,
real (8)  val 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine eq_module::ftn_evaluation ( type (ezspline1_r8)  spl,
real (8)  psi,
real (8)  val 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine eq_module::ftn_evaluation_lin ( type (lin_interp lin,
real (8)  psi,
real (8)  val 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine eq_module::init_ftn_lin ( type(eq_ftn_type ftn)

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine eq_module::init_ftn_spline ( type(eq_ftn_type ftn)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine eq_module::init_ftn_spline_with_data ( type(eq_ftn_type ftn,
integer, intent(in)  num,
real (8), dimension(num), intent(in)  psi_in,
real (8), dimension(num), intent(in)  var 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

logical function eq_module::is_rgn1 ( real (8)  r,
real (8)  z,
real (8)  psi 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

logical function eq_module::is_rgn12 ( real (8)  r,
real (8)  z,
real (8)  psi 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

real (8), parameter eq_module::epsil_psi = 1D-5
real (8) eq_module::eq_axis_r = 0D0
real (8) eq_module::eq_axis_z = 0D0

R, Z, B of magnetic axis.

type(eq_ftn_type), dimension(0:ptl_nsp_max), target eq_module::eq_den
integer eq_module::eq_den_rsp_index = 0

Due to quasineutrality, the density of one species should be obtained from that of the others: specify its index here.

integer eq_module::eq_den_rsp_sample_num = 1024

Density for the reduced spcies (rsp) is constructed from this number of samples.

real (8) eq_module::eq_den_rsp_xmax = 1.3D0

normalized value of psi for domain setting psi_norm = [0, xmax], psi = psi_norm * eq_x_psi

type(eq_ftn_type), dimension(0:ptl_nsp_max) eq_module::eq_dens_diff
character (len=100), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_dens_diff_file
integer, dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_dens_diff_shape
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_dens_diff_v1
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_dens_diff_v2
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_dens_diff_v3
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_dens_diff_v4
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_dens_diff_x1
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_dens_diff_x2
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_dens_diff_x3
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_dens_diff_x4
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_dens_diff_x5
character (len=100), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_dens_file
integer, dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_dens_shape
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_dens_v1
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_dens_v2
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_dens_v3
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_dens_x1
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_dens_x2
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_dens_x3

Parameters defining the analytic profile functions of the species densities.

character (len=100), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_fg_flow_file
integer, dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_fg_flow_shape
integer, dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_fg_flow_type
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_fg_flow_v1
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_fg_flow_v2
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_fg_flow_v3
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_fg_flow_x1
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_fg_flow_x2
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_fg_flow_x3
type(eq_ftn_type), dimension(0:ptl_nsp_max), target eq_module::eq_fg_temp
character (len=100), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_fg_temp_file
integer, dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_fg_temp_shape
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_fg_temp_v1
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_fg_temp_v2
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_fg_temp_v3
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_fg_temp_x1
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_fg_temp_x2
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_fg_temp_x3
character (len=80) eq_module::eq_filename ='eq.h5'

eq_filename is the name of the eqd input (output for M3D-C1 input) file

type(eq_ftn_type), dimension(0:ptl_nsp_max), target eq_module::eq_flow
type(eq_ftn_type), dimension(0:ptl_nsp_max) eq_module::eq_flow_diff
character (len=100), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_flow_diff_file
integer, dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_flow_diff_shape
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_flow_diff_v1
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_flow_diff_v2
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_flow_diff_v3
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_flow_diff_v4
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_flow_diff_x1
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_flow_diff_x2
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_flow_diff_x3
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_flow_diff_x4
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_flow_diff_x5
character (len=100), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_flow_file

File names for density, temperature and flow input files.

integer, dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_flow_shape

Variable defining the type of analytic function used for density, tempeature and toroidal rotation profiles (-1 for file input)

integer, dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_flow_type

Type ID of parallel flow/toroidal rotation (u_||, u_||/R, omega_tor) 0: parallel flow (m/s) is flux function. 1: u_parallel/R is flux function 2: Omega_tor is flux function (rigid body rotation),.

real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_flow_v1
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_flow_v2
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_flow_v3
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_flow_x1
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_flow_x2
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_flow_x3

Parameters defining the analytic profile functions of the species toroidal flow.

character (len=100) eq_module::eq_g_filename = 'null.eqd'

gqdsk file generated from M3D-C1 data (needed for wall shape and consistency)

character (len=80) eq_module::eq_m3dc1_filename ='C1.h5'

Name of the M3D-C1 data file.

real (8) eq_module::eq_max_r = 0D0
real (8) eq_module::eq_max_z = 0D0

Not needed anymore – can be removed.

real (8) eq_module::eq_mid_r_dp = 0D0
integer, parameter eq_module::eq_mid_r_npsi =50

For poloidal flux -> midplane R function. Number of evaluation points.

real (8), dimension(eq_mid_r_npsi) eq_module::eq_mid_r_psi = 0D0

For poloidal flux -> midplane R function. Function data.

real (8) eq_module::eq_min_r = 0D0
real (8) eq_module::eq_min_z = 0D0
character (len=100), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_mk_flow_file
integer, dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_mk_flow_shape
integer, dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_mk_flow_type
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_mk_flow_v1
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_mk_flow_v2
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_mk_flow_v3
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_mk_flow_x1
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_mk_flow_x2
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_mk_flow_x3
character (len=100), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_mk_temp_file
integer, dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_mk_temp_shape
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_mk_temp_v1
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_mk_temp_v2
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_mk_temp_v3
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_mk_temp_x1
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_mk_temp_x2
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_mk_temp_x3
real (8) eq_module::eq_out_decay_factor = 1D-1

profiles decay exponentially to f(sml_outpsi)*decay_factor for psi>sml_outpsi

real (8) eq_module::eq_out_decay_width = 3D-2

width for exponential decay for psi>sml_outpsi

type(eq_ftn_type), dimension(0:ptl_nsp_max) eq_module::eq_pinch_v
character (len=100), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_pinch_v_file

File names for particle, momentum, heat diffusivity, and particle pinch.

integer, dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_pinch_v_shape

Variable defining the type of analytic function used for profiles of particle diffusivity, momentum diffusivity, heat conductivity and particle pinch velocity (-1 for file input)

real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_pinch_v_v1
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_pinch_v_v2
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_pinch_v_v3
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_pinch_v_v4
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_pinch_v_x1
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_pinch_v_x2
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_pinch_v_x3
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_pinch_v_x4
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_pinch_v_x5
real (8) eq_module::eq_priv_flux_decay_factor = 5D-2

profiles decay exponentially to f(sml_outpsi)*decay_factor in priv. flux region

real (8) eq_module::eq_priv_flux_decay_width = 1.5D-2

width for exponential decay in private flux region

real (8) eq_module::eq_psi_norm = 0D0
logical eq_module::eq_set_x2 = .false.

determine if there is second (upper) X-point to consider. This will be overriden by flx.aif.

type(eq_ftn_type), dimension(0:ptl_nsp_max) eq_module::eq_t_diff
character (len=100), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_t_diff_file
integer, dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_t_diff_shape
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_t_diff_v1
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_t_diff_v2
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_t_diff_v3
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_t_diff_v4
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_t_diff_x1
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_t_diff_x2
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_t_diff_x3
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_t_diff_x4
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_t_diff_x5
type(eq_ftn_type), dimension(0:ptl_nsp_max), target eq_module::eq_temp
character (len=100), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_temp_file
integer, dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_temp_shape
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_temp_v1
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_temp_v2
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_temp_v3
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_temp_x1
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_temp_x2
real (8), dimension(:), allocatable eq_module::eq_temp_x3

Parameters defining the analytic profile functions of the species temperatures.

real (8) eq_module::eq_x2_psi = 0D0

psi of second X_point

real (8) eq_module::eq_x2_r = 1.7D0

R value of second (upper) X-point.

real (8) eq_module::eq_x2_slope = 0D0

slope of second X-point.

real (8) eq_module::eq_x2_z = 1D1

Z value of second (upper) X-point.

real (8) eq_module::eq_x_psi = 0D0
real (8) eq_module::eq_x_r = 1.7D0
real (8) eq_module::eq_x_slope = 0D0

psi, R, Z of (first) X-point. eq_x_slope = dZ/dR – slope from axis

real (8) eq_module::eq_x_z = 1D1
integer, parameter eq_module::ftn_lin_n =1000
logical, parameter eq_module::use_ftn_lin =.true.

The documentation for this module was generated from the following file: