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add_f0_analytic.hpp File Reference
#include <Kokkos_Core.hpp>
#include "space_settings.hpp"
#include "sml.hpp"
#include "plasma.hpp"
#include "electric_field.hpp"
#include "vgrid_distribution.hpp"
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void add_f0_analytic (const Simulation< DeviceType > &sml, ElectricField< DeviceType > &electric_field, const DomainDecomposition< DeviceType > &pol_decomp, Plasma &plasma, VGridDistribution< HostType > &f0_f, bool subtract=false)
void f0_remove_negative (Plasma &plasma, VGridDistribution< HostType > &f0_f)

Function Documentation

void add_f0_analytic ( const Simulation< DeviceType > &  sml,
ElectricField< DeviceType > &  electric_field,
const DomainDecomposition< DeviceType > &  pol_decomp,
Plasma plasma,
VGridDistribution< HostType > &  f0_f,
bool  subtract 

Adds analytic contribution to a distribution on the velocity grid.

[in]smlcontains simulation control parameters
[in]electric_fieldis the electric field object
[in]pol_decompis the domain decomposition
[in]plasmais the plasma object
[in,out]f0_fis the VGridDistribution being added to
[in]subtractset to true if subtracting instead of adding

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void f0_remove_negative ( Plasma plasma,
VGridDistribution< HostType > &  f0_f 

Removes negative values (and zero values to avoid density = 0) in a distribution on the velocity grid by replacing with a small number (=epsil * maxwellian_initial profile).

[in]plasmais the plasma object
[in,out]f0_fis the VGridDistribution being added to

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function: