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1 #ifndef COL_GRID_HPP
2 #define COL_GRID_HPP
4 #include <vector>
5 #include <stdio.h>
6 #include <Kokkos_Core.hpp>
7 #include <Kokkos_DualView.hpp>
9 #include "xgc_io.hpp"
10 #include "domain_decomposition.hpp"
11 #include "velocity_grid.hpp"
12 #include "vgrid_distribution.hpp"
13 #include "magnetic_field.hpp"
15 #include "col_grid_matrix.hpp"
16 #include "col_species.hpp"
17 #include "col_vgrids.hpp"
19 //> XGC's multi-species Fokker-Planck-Landau collision operator
20 // see R. Hager et al., Journal of Computational Physics 315 (2016), pp. 644-660
21 // E. S. Yoon et al., Physics of Plasmas 21 (2014), 032503
22 //
23 // The headers of the subroutines in this module refer to the corresponding parts of Hager et al.
24 // where applicable in order to make the source code easier to understand.
27 // Enum for derivatives of ED array
28 namespace ED{
29 enum{
30  RR=0,
31  RZ,
32  ZZ,
33  ER,
34  EZ,
35  N
36 };
37 }
39 // <SOLVER-related>
40 const int vpic_inner_iter_max=20;
42 namespace Convergence{
44 // Ideally this would be an enum class,
45 // but the are MPI and I/O operations that expect ints
46 enum Status{
55 };
57 inline bool is_okay(Status convergence_status){
58  return (convergence_status!=MaxedIter &&
59  convergence_status!=NaNOrInfFound &&
60  convergence_status!=FirstStepFail);
61 }
63 class Moments{
64  // Values
65  double w_sum; //> sum of energy over species
66  double p_sum; //> sum of momentum over species
67  double min_p_thres; //> momentum error criterion
69  // Deltas
70  double dw_sum; //> sum of energy change over species (i.e. error in energy)
71  double dp_sum; //> sum of momentum change over species (i.e. error in momentum)
72  double dn_n_max; //> maximum fraction of density changes among species (i.e. maximum relative error in density in all species )
74  bool en_exit_ok;
77  //> Checks the convergence criterion (i.e. conservation of mass, energy and momentum)
78  template<class Device>
79  inline void eval(int isp, int mesh_ind, const CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& cvg, const CollisionSpecies<Device>& cs,double& dw,double& dp,double& dn_n) const{
80  double vpic_dn = 0.0;
81  double vpic_dw = 0.0;
82  double vpic_dp = 0.0;
84  int gri = cs.s.h_view(isp, mesh_ind).grid_index;
86  for (int index_i = 0; index_i<cvg.mesh_z.extent(2); index_i++){
87  double mesh_z2 = cvg.mesh_z(mesh_ind,gri,index_i)*cvg.mesh_z(mesh_ind,gri,index_i);
88  for (int index_j = 0; index_j<cvg.mesh_r.extent(2); index_j++){
89  double mesh_r2 = cvg.mesh_r(mesh_ind,gri,index_j)*cvg.mesh_r(mesh_ind,gri,index_j);
90  double vpic_dfc = (cs.pdf_np1.h_view(mesh_ind,isp,index_i,index_j) - cs.pdf_n.h_view(mesh_ind,isp,index_i,index_j)) * cvg.vol_h(mesh_ind,gri,index_j);
92  vpic_dn += vpic_dfc;
93  vpic_dw += vpic_dfc*(mesh_z2 + mesh_r2);
94  vpic_dp += vpic_dfc*cvg.mesh_z(mesh_ind,gri,index_i);
95  }
96  }
98  dw = vpic_dw*cs.s.h_view(isp,mesh_ind).mass;
99  dp = vpic_dp*cs.s.h_view(isp,mesh_ind).mass;
100  dn_n = std::abs(vpic_dn/cs.s.h_view(isp,mesh_ind).dens);
101  }
103  public:
105  template<class Device>
106  inline void set(int mesh_ind, const CollisionSpecies<Device>& col_spall){
107  w_sum = 0;
108  p_sum = 0;
109  min_p_thres = 1e99; //just large value to be reinitialized with a small value
110  for (int spi = 0; spi<col_spall.n(); spi++){
111  w_sum += col_spall.s.h_view(spi,mesh_ind).ens;
112  p_sum += col_spall.s.h_view(spi,mesh_ind).mom;
113  min_p_thres = std::min( col_spall.s.h_view(spi,mesh_ind).mass*col_spall.s.h_view(spi,mesh_ind).dens*sqrt(col_spall.s.h_view(spi,mesh_ind).numeric_vth2),
114  min_p_thres );
115  }
116  }
118  template<class Device>
119  inline bool evaluate_conservation(int mesh_ind, const CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& col_vgrids, const CollisionSpecies<Device>& col_spall, bool& values_are_all_finite){
120  dw_sum = 0.0;
121  dp_sum = 0.0;
122  dn_n_max = 0.0;
123  dens_exit_ok = true;
125  for (int spi = 0; spi<col_spall.n(); spi++){
126  // Re-compute conservation errors after correction
127  double dw,dp,dn_n;
128  eval(spi, mesh_ind, col_vgrids, col_spall,dw,dp,dn_n);// moments evalulation from difference betw. pdf_n and pdf_np1
129  dw_sum += dw;
130  dp_sum += dp;
131  if(dn_n_max<dn_n) dn_n_max = dn_n;
132  dens_exit_ok = dens_exit_ok && (dn_n<1e-10);
133  }
135  // Check for NaNs and Infs
136  values_are_all_finite = (std::isfinite(dw_sum) && std::isfinite(dp_sum) && std::isfinite(dn_n_max));
138  en_exit_ok = std::abs(dw_sum/w_sum) <= 1e-7;
139  // bool mom_exit_ok = std::abs(col_dp_sum)/(std::max(std::abs(col_p_sum),min_p_thres)) <= (col_f_vp_max/col_f_nvz);// v_par = max_v_par of simulation domain / vth
140  // ALS : momentum tolerance changed to the tolerance in XGC's former collisions module:
141  // For momentum tolerance use main ion mass and electron density as normalization (when there are more than 2 species).
142  double mass_use = (col_spall.s.h_view(0,mesh_ind).is_electron ? col_spall.s.h_view(1,mesh_ind).mass : col_spall.s.h_view(0,mesh_ind).mass);
143  mom_exit_ok = std::abs(dp_sum)/(std::max(std::abs(p_sum),1e-3*mass_use*col_spall.s.h_view(0,mesh_ind).dens)) <= 1.0e-7;
145  return (dens_exit_ok && en_exit_ok && mom_exit_ok);
146  }
147 };
149 }
152 template<class Device>
153 struct TmpColData{
155  // These views are both on CPU and GPU - dual views
156  Kokkos::View<double***,Device> gammac_spall;
157  Kokkos::DualView<int[4][4],Device> mat_pos_rel_indx; // Shouldn't need to be a dual view
159  Kokkos::View<double***,Device> fhalf;
160  Kokkos::View<double***,Device> dfdr;
161  Kokkos::View<double***,Device> dfdz;
162  Kokkos::View<double****,Device> EDs;
163  Kokkos::View<double******,Device> M_ab;
164  Kokkos::View<double*****,Device> M_s;
166  TmpColData<Device>(int nvr, int nvz, int sp_num, int n_vgrids, int mb_n_nodes)
167  : // Note: layout left
168  gammac_spall("gammac_spall",mb_n_nodes,sp_num,sp_num),
169  fhalf("fhalf",mb_n_nodes,nvz-1,nvr-1),
170  dfdr("dfdr",mb_n_nodes,nvz-1,nvr-1),
171  dfdz("dfdz",mb_n_nodes,nvz-1,nvr-1),
172  EDs("EDs",mb_n_nodes,nvz-1,nvr-1,ED::N),
173  M_s("M_s",mb_n_nodes,n_vgrids, (nvr-1)*(nvz-1), ED::N, nvr-1),
174  M_ab("M_ab",mb_n_nodes,n_vgrids, n_vgrids-1, (nvr-1)*(nvz-1), 3, (nvr-1)*(nvz-1)),
175  mat_pos_rel_indx("mat_pos_rel_indx")
176  {
177  // Set up mat_pos_rel_indx and send to GPU
178  int mat_loc[16] = {4,5,7,8,
179  1,2,4,5,
180  3,4,6,7,
181  0,1,3,4};
183  for (int i=0;i<16;i++)
184  mat_pos_rel_indx.h_view(i/4,i%4)=mat_loc[i];
186 #ifdef USE_GPU
187  Kokkos::deep_copy(mat_pos_rel_indx.d_view, mat_pos_rel_indx.h_view);
188 #endif
189  }
190 };
193 template<class Device>
196  public:
211  View<int*,CLayout,HostType> n_subcycles;
213  bool diag_on; // Switches file-output of convergence status of the collision operator on/off
214  std::shared_ptr<XGC_IO_Stream> io_stream;
218  //> Set up global variables of the collision operator
219  CollisionGrid(NLReader::NamelistReader& nlr, const MagneticField<DeviceType>& magnetic_field, const Grid<DeviceType>& grid, bool overwrite_existing_files)
220  : n_subcycles(NoInit("n_subcycles"), grid.nnode)
221  {
222  nlr.use_namelist("col_param");
223  inner_psi_bound = nlr.get<double>("col_pin",magnetic_field.inpsi);
224  outer_psi_bound = nlr.get<double>("col_pout",magnetic_field.outpsi);
226  // Normalize by xpt
227  // Default values are already normalized, so only normalize if not default
228  if(nlr.present("col_pin")) inner_psi_bound *= magnetic_field.psi_norm();
229  if(nlr.present("col_pout")) outer_psi_bound *= magnetic_field.psi_norm();
231  max_n_subcycles = nlr.get<int>("col_max_n_subcycles", 1);
233  start_step = nlr.get<int>("col_f_start", 1);
237  // Start off with every vertex having 1 subcycle
238  Kokkos::deep_copy(n_subcycles, 1);
240  // These defaults have not been systematically optimized
241 #ifdef USE_GPU
242  int default_batch_size = 64;
243 #else
244  int default_batch_size = 1;//omp_get_max_threads();
245 #endif
246  std::string linalg_backend_str;
247  if(nlr.namelist_present("performance_param")){
248  nlr.use_namelist("performance_param");
249  batch_size = nlr.get<int>("mesh_batch_size", default_batch_size);
250  linalg_backend_str = nlr.get<std::string>("collisions_solver", "lapack");
251  ginkgo_residual_reduction = nlr.get<double>("ginkgo_residual_reduction", 1.0e-16);
252  ginkgo_max_iterations = nlr.get<int>("ginkgo_max_iterations", 300);
253  }else{
254  batch_size = default_batch_size;
255  linalg_backend_str = "lapack";
256  ginkgo_residual_reduction = 1.0e-16;
257  ginkgo_max_iterations = 300;
258  }
262  // Diagnostic
263  nlr.use_namelist("diag_param");
264  diag_on = nlr.get<bool>("diag_col_convergence_stat_on",false);
266  if(diag_on){
267  io_stream = std::make_shared<XGC_IO_Stream>();
268  io_stream->Init("collision_stats");
269  XGC_IO_Mode mode = (overwrite_existing_files ? XGC_IO_Mode::Write : XGC_IO_Mode::Append);
270  io_stream->Open("xgc.col_conv_status.bp", mode);
271  }
272  }
275  nlr.use_namelist("ptl_param");
276  int plasma_nspecies = nlr.get<int>("ptl_nsp",1);
278  nlr.use_namelist("sml_param");
279  int sml_special = nlr.get<int>("sml_special", 0);
280  bool sml_electron_on = nlr.get<bool>("sml_electron_on", false);
281  if(sml_special==4) sml_electron_on = false;
282  if(sml_electron_on) plasma_nspecies += 1; // Add electrons
284  VelocityGrid vgrid(nlr);
285 #ifdef USE_GPU
286  int default_batch_size = 64;
287 #else
288  int default_batch_size = 1;//omp_get_max_threads();
289 #endif
290  int col_grid_batch_size;
291  if(nlr.namelist_present("performance_param")){
292  nlr.use_namelist("performance_param");
293  col_grid_batch_size = nlr.get<int>("mesh_batch_size", default_batch_size);
294  }else{
295  col_grid_batch_size = default_batch_size;
296  }
298  double device_col_GB_per_vertex = plasma_nspecies*std::max(plasma_nspecies-1,1)*(vgrid.nvp*vgrid.nmu)*(vgrid.nvp*vgrid.nmu)*8*BYTES_TO_GB;
299  double gpu_memory_usage = (col_grid_batch_size*device_col_GB_per_vertex);
301  MemoryPrediction memory_prediction{"Fields", 0.0, gpu_memory_usage};
303  return memory_prediction;
304  }
306  // Core init
307  void core_init(int isp, int mesh_ind, const CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& col_vgrids, const CollisionSpecies<Device>& col_spall ) const;
309  // Get maxw_fac
310  static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double get_maxw_fac(double mesh_dr, double mesh_r, double numeric_vth2) ;
312  // Get numeric v_thermal equilibrium for a given species against a given grid
313  View<double*,Device> get_numeric_v_thermal_equil(int mb_n_nodes, int spi, int grj, const CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& col_vgrids, const CollisionSpecies<Device>& col_spall) const;
315  // Delta init
316  void core_delta_init(int mb_n_nodes, int gri, int grj, int spi, CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& col_vgrids, const CollisionSpecies<Device>& col_spall) const;
318  // LU_matrix_ftn
319  static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void LU_matrix_ftn(int mesh_ind, int gri, int grj, int spi, int cell_i,int cell_j,const CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& col_vgrids,int mprl_col, int mat_pos,double coeff1,double coeff2, const TmpColData<Device>& tcd, const Kokkos::View<int**,Device>& index_map_LU_d,typename Collisions::GridMatrix<Device>::values_array_t LU_values);
321  // LU_matrix
322  void LU_matrix(int mb_n_nodes, int gri, int grj, int spi, const CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& col_vgrids,const TmpColData<Device>& tcd, Collisions::GridMatrix<Device>* const mtx) const;
324  // the core loop including the picard loop is now inside this function
325  void picard_loop(int vpic_inner_iter_max, const CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& col_vgrids, CollisionSpecies<Device>& col_spall, TmpColData<Device>& tcd, int mb_n_nodes, Kokkos::View<Convergence::Status*,HostType>& convergence_status, Kokkos::View<Convergence::Moments*,HostType>& moments) const;
327  // dispatch for E_and_D calc
328  void E_and_D(int mb_n_nodes, int gri, int grj, const CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& col_vgrids, TmpColData<Device>& tcd) const;
330  // E_and_D_s
331  static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void E_and_D_s(int idx, int mb_n_nodes, int nvrm1, int nvzm1, const TmpColData<Device>& tcd, int gri) ;
333  // dispatch for angle_avg calc
334  void angle_avg(int mb_n_nodes, int gri, int grj, CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& col_vgrids, TmpColData<Device>& tcd) const;
336  // angle_avg_s
337  static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void angle_avg_s(int idx, int mb_n_nodes, int nvrm1, int nvzm1, const CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& col_vgrids, const TmpColData<Device>& tcd, int gri);
339  // E_and_D_ab
340  static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void E_and_D_ab(int idx, int mb_n_nodes, int nvrm1, int nvzm1, const CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& col_vgrids, const TmpColData<Device>& tcd, int gri, int grj);
342  // angle_avg_ab
343  static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void angle_avg_ab(int idx, int mb_n_nodes, int nvrm1, int nvzm1, const CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& col_vgrids, const TmpColData<Device>& tcd, int gri, int grj);
345  void f_df(int mb_n_nodes, const CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& col_vgrids, const CollisionSpecies<Device>& col_spall,int spi,int grj,TmpColData<Device>& tcd) const;
347  // Main collision algorithm
348  Kokkos::View<Convergence::Status*,HostType> core(CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& col_vgrids, CollisionSpecies<Device>& col_spall, TmpColData<Device>& tcd, int mb_n_nodes) const;
351  // Carries out collisions
352  void collision(std::vector<Species<DeviceType>> &all_species, const Moments& moments, const DomainDecomposition<DeviceType>& pol_decomp, const View<bool*, HostType>& in_range, bool symmetric_f, const VGridDistribution<HostType>& f0_f, VGridDistribution<HostType>& df_out, double dt, View<int*,CLayout,HostType>& converged_all, View<double*,CLayout,HostType>& node_cost) const;
353 };
355 #include "col_grid.tpp"
357 #endif
double min_p_thres
Definition: col_grid.hpp:67
double inpsi
Boundary condition used in a few spots.
Definition: magnetic_field.hpp:43
Definition: col_grid_matrix.hpp:23
double w_sum
Definition: col_grid.hpp:65
int nmu
n points in mu (not including zero)
Definition: velocity_grid.hpp:13
int nvp
n points in parallel velocity (not including zero)
Definition: velocity_grid.hpp:9
Kokkos::View< double ******, Device > M_ab
Definition: col_grid.hpp:163
static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void LU_matrix_ftn(int mesh_ind, int gri, int grj, int spi, int cell_i, int cell_j, const CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &col_vgrids, int mprl_col, int mat_pos, double coeff1, double coeff2, const TmpColData< Device > &tcd, const Kokkos::View< int **, Device > &index_map_LU_d, typename Collisions::GridMatrix< Device >::values_array_t LU_values)
Definition: col_grid.tpp:865
int batch_size
Definition: col_grid.hpp:198
T get(const string &param, const T default_val, int val_ind=0)
Definition: NamelistReader.hpp:373
constexpr double BYTES_TO_GB
Definition: constants.hpp:12
Kokkos::View< Convergence::Status *, HostType > core(CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &col_vgrids, CollisionSpecies< Device > &col_spall, TmpColData< Device > &tcd, int mb_n_nodes) const
Definition: col_grid.tpp:150
Kokkos::View< double *****, Device > M_s
Definition: col_grid.hpp:164
Definition: col_grid.hpp:194
Kokkos::DualView< double ****, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Device > pdf_np1
Definition: col_species.hpp:88
Definition: velocity_grid.hpp:8
void set(int mesh_ind, const CollisionSpecies< Device > &col_spall)
Definition: col_grid.hpp:106
bool present(const string &param)
Definition: NamelistReader.hpp:363
Definition: col_grid.hpp:47
Kokkos::View< double ***, Device > fhalf
Definition: col_grid.hpp:159
Definition: col_grid.hpp:46
Definition: col_grid.hpp:52
void collision(std::vector< Species< DeviceType >> &all_species, const Moments &moments, const DomainDecomposition< DeviceType > &pol_decomp, const View< bool *, HostType > &in_range, bool symmetric_f, const VGridDistribution< HostType > &f0_f, VGridDistribution< HostType > &df_out, double dt, View< int *, CLayout, HostType > &converged_all, View< double *, CLayout, HostType > &node_cost) const
Definition: col_grid.tpp:22
Collisions::LinAlgBackend labackend
Definition: col_grid.hpp:200
double p_sum
Definition: col_grid.hpp:66
Kokkos::View< value_type ***, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Device, Kokkos::MemoryTraits< Kokkos::Unmanaged >> values_array_t
Definition: col_grid_matrix.hpp:31
Kokkos::View< double ***, Device > gammac_spall
Definition: col_grid.hpp:156
Definition: NamelistReader.hpp:193
Definition: magnetic_field.hpp:13
Definition: moments.hpp:13
bool en_exit_ok
Definition: col_grid.hpp:74
Definition: col_grid.hpp:30
Kokkos::DualView< CollisionSpeciesScalars **, Device > s
Definition: col_species.hpp:85
double dn_n_max
Definition: col_grid.hpp:72
Definition: col_grid.hpp:216
int ginkgo_max_iterations
Definition: col_grid.hpp:203
double inner_psi_bound
Inner psi bound; collisions skipped below this.
Definition: col_grid.hpp:205
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double psi_norm() const
Definition: magnetic_field.tpp:62
Definition: col_vgrids.hpp:13
void core_delta_init(int mb_n_nodes, int gri, int grj, int spi, CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &col_vgrids, const CollisionSpecies< Device > &col_spall) const
Definition: col_grid.tpp:804
View< double *, Device > get_numeric_v_thermal_equil(int mb_n_nodes, int spi, int grj, const CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &col_vgrids, const CollisionSpecies< Device > &col_spall) const
Definition: col_grid.tpp:772
static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void E_and_D_ab(int idx, int mb_n_nodes, int nvrm1, int nvzm1, const CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &col_vgrids, const TmpColData< Device > &tcd, int gri, int grj)
Definition: col_grid.tpp:542
Definition: col_grid.hpp:48
Definition: col_grid.hpp:153
void LU_matrix(int mb_n_nodes, int gri, int grj, int spi, const CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &col_vgrids, const TmpColData< Device > &tcd, Collisions::GridMatrix< Device > *const mtx) const
Definition: col_grid.tpp:910
const int vpic_inner_iter_max
Definition: col_grid.hpp:40
static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void E_and_D_s(int idx, int mb_n_nodes, int nvrm1, int nvzm1, const TmpColData< Device > &tcd, int gri)
Definition: col_grid.tpp:711
View< double ***, CLayout, HostType > mesh_r
Definition: col_vgrids.hpp:20
void core_init(int isp, int mesh_ind, const CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &col_vgrids, const CollisionSpecies< Device > &col_spall) const
Definition: col_grid.tpp:369
double dw_sum
Definition: col_grid.hpp:70
double outpsi
Boundary condition used in a few spots.
Definition: magnetic_field.hpp:44
Kokkos::DualView< double ****, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Device > pdf_n
Definition: col_species.hpp:87
void use_namelist(const string &namelist)
Definition: NamelistReader.hpp:355
Definition: col_grid.hpp:63
Definition: col_grid.hpp:32
Definition: memory_prediction.hpp:4
void eval(int isp, int mesh_ind, const CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &cvg, const CollisionSpecies< Device > &cs, double &dw, double &dp, double &dn_n) const
Definition: col_grid.hpp:79
void E_and_D(int mb_n_nodes, int gri, int grj, const CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &col_vgrids, TmpColData< Device > &tcd) const
Definition: col_grid.tpp:504
Definition: col_grid.hpp:49
Kokkos::View< double ***, Device > dfdz
Definition: col_grid.hpp:161
double outer_psi_bound
Outer psi bound; collisions skipped above this.
Definition: col_grid.hpp:206
void picard_loop(int vpic_inner_iter_max, const CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &col_vgrids, CollisionSpecies< Device > &col_spall, TmpColData< Device > &tcd, int mb_n_nodes, Kokkos::View< Convergence::Status *, HostType > &convergence_status, Kokkos::View< Convergence::Moments *, HostType > &moments) const
Definition: col_grid.tpp:252
View< int *, CLayout, HostType > n_subcycles
Number of subcycles for each vertex.
Definition: col_grid.hpp:211
Definition: col_grid.hpp:35
double ginkgo_residual_reduction
Definition: col_grid.hpp:202
static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void angle_avg_s(int idx, int mb_n_nodes, int nvrm1, int nvzm1, const CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &col_vgrids, const TmpColData< Device > &tcd, int gri)
Definition: col_grid.tpp:595
bool dens_exit_ok
Definition: col_grid.hpp:73
bool namelist_present(const string &namelist)
Definition: NamelistReader.hpp:351
Definition: col_grid.hpp:31
View< double ***, CLayout, HostType > mesh_z
Definition: col_vgrids.hpp:21
Definition: xgc_io.hpp:17
Kokkos::View< double ****, Device > EDs
Definition: col_grid.hpp:162
Definition: col_grid.hpp:33
Definition: col_grid.hpp:54
Definition: magnetic_field.F90:1
Definition: col_grid_matrix.hpp:221
int n() const
Definition: col_species.hpp:181
Definition: col_grid.hpp:51
Kokkos::View< double ***, Device > dfdr
Definition: col_grid.hpp:160
static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void angle_avg_ab(int idx, int mb_n_nodes, int nvrm1, int nvzm1, const CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &col_vgrids, const TmpColData< Device > &tcd, int gri, int grj)
Definition: col_grid.tpp:434
int start_step
starting step for collisions; should be part of step trigger
Definition: col_grid.hpp:208
bool mom_exit_ok
Definition: col_grid.hpp:75
View< double ***, CLayout, HostType > vol_h
Definition: col_vgrids.hpp:23
Definition: species.hpp:75
static MemoryPrediction estimate_memory_usage(NLReader::NamelistReader &nlr)
Definition: col_grid.hpp:274
CollisionGrid(NLReader::NamelistReader &nlr, const MagneticField< DeviceType > &magnetic_field, const Grid< DeviceType > &grid, bool overwrite_existing_files)
Definition: col_grid.hpp:219
std::shared_ptr< XGC_IO_Stream > io_stream
Definition: col_grid.hpp:214
Definition: col_species.hpp:81
Kokkos::DualView< int[4][4], Device > mat_pos_rel_indx
Definition: col_grid.hpp:157
void angle_avg(int mb_n_nodes, int gri, int grj, CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &col_vgrids, TmpColData< Device > &tcd) const
Definition: col_grid.tpp:416
bool is_okay(Status convergence_status)
Definition: col_grid.hpp:57
Definition: col_grid.hpp:53
double dp_sum
Definition: col_grid.hpp:71
void f_df(int mb_n_nodes, const CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &col_vgrids, const CollisionSpecies< Device > &col_spall, int spi, int grj, TmpColData< Device > &tcd) const
Definition: col_grid.tpp:660
Kokkos::ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing NoInit
Definition: space_settings.hpp:68
static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double get_maxw_fac(double mesh_dr, double mesh_r, double numeric_vth2)
Definition: col_grid.tpp:756
Definition: col_grid.hpp:50
bool evaluate_conservation(int mesh_ind, const CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &col_vgrids, const CollisionSpecies< Device > &col_spall, bool &values_are_all_finite)
Definition: col_grid.hpp:119
bool diag_on
Definition: col_grid.hpp:213
Definition: col_grid.hpp:34
int max_n_subcycles
Maximum number of subcycles that may be attempted.
Definition: col_grid.hpp:210