XGC Inputs¶
Common errors¶
An outdated input file could give one of the following errors.
FIO-F-239/namelist read/internal file/entity name is not member of group.
In source file XGC-Devel/XGC_core/setup.F90, at line number 1938
namelist read/internal file/end of file reached without finding group:
forrtl: severe (19): invalid reference to variable in NAMELIST input, unit -5, file Internal Formatted NML Read, line -1, position 22
If you switching to a new branch or have merged a branch into yours, it is advisable to check that your input file is still valid, as some inputs may have been deprecated or removed. Deprecation warnings will appear the simulation’s stdout. Presence of removed inputs will terminate the simulation so that you can ensure that your simulation behaves as you intend. You can use the –dryrun option to double-check inputs without having to run your simulation at scale. For example:
xgc-es-cpp-gpu --dryrun
The –dryrun option can be run with any number of MPI ranks, or as a single process.