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1 #ifndef COL_GRID_HPP
2 #define COL_GRID_HPP
4 #include <vector>
5 #include <stdio.h>
6 #include <Kokkos_Core.hpp>
7 #include <Kokkos_DualView.hpp>
9 #include "xgc_io.hpp"
10 #include "domain_decomposition.hpp"
11 #include "velocity_grid.hpp"
12 #include "vgrid_distribution.hpp"
13 #include "magnetic_field.hpp"
15 #include "col_grid_matrix.hpp"
16 #include "col_species.hpp"
17 #include "col_vgrids.hpp"
19 //> XGC's multi-species Fokker-Planck-Landau collision operator
20 // see R. Hager et al., Journal of Computational Physics 315 (2016), pp. 644-660
21 // E. S. Yoon et al., Physics of Plasmas 21 (2014), 032503
22 //
23 // The headers of the subroutines in this module refer to the corresponding parts of Hager et al.
24 // where applicable in order to make the source code easier to understand.
27 // Enum for derivatives of ED array
28 namespace ED{
29 enum{
30  RR=0,
31  RZ,
32  ZZ,
33  ER,
34  EZ,
35  N
36 };
37 }
39 // <SOLVER-related>
40 const int vpic_inner_iter_max=20;
42 namespace Convergence{
44 // Ideally this would be an enum class,
45 // but the are MPI and I/O operations that expect ints
46 enum Status{
55 };
57 inline bool is_okay(Status convergence_status){
58  return (convergence_status!=MaxedIter &&
59  convergence_status!=NaNOrInfFound &&
60  convergence_status!=FirstStepFail);
61 }
63 class Moments{
64  // Values
65  double w_sum; //> sum of energy over species
66  double p_sum; //> sum of momentum over species
67  double min_p_thres; //> momentum error criterion
69  // Deltas
70  double dw_sum; //> sum of energy change over species (i.e. error in energy)
71  double dp_sum; //> sum of momentum change over species (i.e. error in momentum)
72  double dn_n_max; //> maximum fraction of density changes among species (i.e. maximum relative error in density in all species )
74  bool en_exit_ok;
77  //> Checks the convergence criterion (i.e. conservation of mass, energy and momentum)
78  template<class Device>
79  inline void eval(int isp, int mesh_ind, const CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& cvg, const CollisionSpecies<Device>& cs,double& dw,double& dp,double& dn_n) const{
80  double vpic_dn = 0.0;
81  double vpic_dw = 0.0;
82  double vpic_dp = 0.0;
84  int gri = cs.s.h_view(isp, mesh_ind).grid_index;
86  for (int index_i = 0; index_i<cvg.mesh_z.extent(2); index_i++){
87  double mesh_z2 = cvg.mesh_z(mesh_ind,gri,index_i)*cvg.mesh_z(mesh_ind,gri,index_i);
88  double vp_vol_fac = cvg.vp_vol_fac(index_i);
89  for (int index_j = 0; index_j<cvg.mesh_r.extent(2); index_j++){
90  double mesh_r2 = cvg.mesh_r(mesh_ind,gri,index_j)*cvg.mesh_r(mesh_ind,gri,index_j);
91  double vpic_dfc = (cs.pdf_np1.h_view(mesh_ind,isp,index_i,index_j) - cs.pdf_n.h_view(mesh_ind,isp,index_i,index_j))
92  *cvg.vol_h(mesh_ind,gri,index_j)*vp_vol_fac;
94  vpic_dn += vpic_dfc;
95  vpic_dw += vpic_dfc*(mesh_z2 + mesh_r2);
96  vpic_dp += vpic_dfc*cvg.mesh_z(mesh_ind,gri,index_i);
97  }
98  }
100  dw = vpic_dw*cs.s.h_view(isp,mesh_ind).mass;
101  dp = vpic_dp*cs.s.h_view(isp,mesh_ind).mass;
102  dn_n = std::abs(vpic_dn/cs.s.h_view(isp,mesh_ind).dens);
103  }
105  public:
107  template<class Device>
108  inline void set(int mesh_ind, const CollisionSpecies<Device>& col_spall){
109  w_sum = 0;
110  p_sum = 0;
111  min_p_thres = 1e99; //just large value to be reinitialized with a small value
112  for (int spi = 0; spi<col_spall.n(); spi++){
113  w_sum += col_spall.s.h_view(spi,mesh_ind).ens;
114  p_sum += col_spall.s.h_view(spi,mesh_ind).mom;
115  min_p_thres = std::min( col_spall.s.h_view(spi,mesh_ind).mass*col_spall.s.h_view(spi,mesh_ind).dens*sqrt(col_spall.s.h_view(spi,mesh_ind).numeric_vth2),
116  min_p_thres );
117  }
118  }
120  template<class Device>
121  inline bool evaluate_conservation(int mesh_ind, const CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& col_vgrids, const CollisionSpecies<Device>& col_spall, bool& values_are_all_finite){
122  dw_sum = 0.0;
123  dp_sum = 0.0;
124  dn_n_max = 0.0;
125  dens_exit_ok = true;
127  for (int spi = 0; spi<col_spall.n(); spi++){
128  // Re-compute conservation errors after correction
129  double dw,dp,dn_n;
130  eval(spi, mesh_ind, col_vgrids, col_spall,dw,dp,dn_n);// moments evalulation from difference betw. pdf_n and pdf_np1
131  dw_sum += dw;
132  dp_sum += dp;
133  if(dn_n_max<dn_n) dn_n_max = dn_n;
134  dens_exit_ok = dens_exit_ok && (dn_n<1e-10);
135  }
137  // Check for NaNs and Infs
138  values_are_all_finite = (std::isfinite(dw_sum) && std::isfinite(dp_sum) && std::isfinite(dn_n_max));
140  en_exit_ok = std::abs(dw_sum/w_sum) <= 1e-7;
141  // bool mom_exit_ok = std::abs(col_dp_sum)/(std::max(std::abs(col_p_sum),min_p_thres)) <= (col_f_vp_max/col_f_nvz);// v_par = max_v_par of simulation domain / vth
142  // ALS : momentum tolerance changed to the tolerance in XGC's former collisions module:
143  // For momentum tolerance use main ion mass and electron density as normalization (when there are more than 2 species).
144  double mass_use = (col_spall.s.h_view(0,mesh_ind).is_electron ? col_spall.s.h_view(1,mesh_ind).mass : col_spall.s.h_view(0,mesh_ind).mass);
145  mom_exit_ok = std::abs(dp_sum)/(std::max(std::abs(p_sum),1e-3*mass_use*col_spall.s.h_view(0,mesh_ind).dens)) <= 1.0e-7;
147  return (dens_exit_ok && en_exit_ok && mom_exit_ok);
148  }
149 };
151 }
154 template<class Device>
155 struct TmpColData{
157  // These views are both on CPU and GPU - dual views
158  Kokkos::View<double***,Device> gammac_spall;
159  Kokkos::DualView<int[4][4],Device> mat_pos_rel_indx; // Shouldn't need to be a dual view
161  Kokkos::View<double***,Device> fhalf;
162  Kokkos::View<double***,Device> dfdr;
163  Kokkos::View<double***,Device> dfdz;
164  Kokkos::View<double****,Device> EDs;
165  Kokkos::View<double******,Device> M_ab;
166  Kokkos::View<double*****,Device> M_s;
168  TmpColData<Device>(int nvr, int nvz, int sp_num, int n_vgrids, int mb_n_nodes)
169  : // Note: layout left
170  gammac_spall("gammac_spall",mb_n_nodes,sp_num,sp_num),
171  fhalf("fhalf",mb_n_nodes,nvz-1,nvr-1),
172  dfdr("dfdr",mb_n_nodes,nvz-1,nvr-1),
173  dfdz("dfdz",mb_n_nodes,nvz-1,nvr-1),
174  EDs("EDs",mb_n_nodes,nvz-1,nvr-1,ED::N),
175  M_s("M_s",mb_n_nodes,n_vgrids, (nvr-1)*(nvz-1), ED::N, nvr-1),
176  M_ab("M_ab",mb_n_nodes,n_vgrids, n_vgrids-1, (nvr-1)*(nvz-1), 3, (nvr-1)*(nvz-1)),
177  mat_pos_rel_indx("mat_pos_rel_indx")
178  {
179  // Set up mat_pos_rel_indx and send to GPU
180  int mat_loc[16] = {4,5,7,8,
181  1,2,4,5,
182  3,4,6,7,
183  0,1,3,4};
185  for (int i=0;i<16;i++)
186  mat_pos_rel_indx.h_view(i/4,i%4)=mat_loc[i];
188 #ifdef USE_GPU
189  Kokkos::deep_copy(mat_pos_rel_indx.d_view, mat_pos_rel_indx.h_view);
190 #endif
191  }
192 };
195 template<class Device>
198  public:
213  View<int*,CLayout,HostType> n_subcycles;
215  bool diag_on; // Switches file-output of convergence status of the collision operator on/off
216  std::shared_ptr<XGC_IO_Stream> io_stream;
220  //> Set up global variables of the collision operator
221  CollisionGrid(NLReader::NamelistReader& nlr, const MagneticField<DeviceType>& magnetic_field, const Grid<DeviceType>& grid, bool overwrite_existing_files)
222  : n_subcycles(NoInit("n_subcycles"), grid.nnode)
223  {
224  nlr.use_namelist("col_param");
225  inner_psi_bound = nlr.get<double>("col_pin",magnetic_field.inpsi); // Minimum of psi range where collisions are performed.
226  outer_psi_bound = nlr.get<double>("col_pout",magnetic_field.outpsi); // Maximum of psi range where collisions are performed.
228  // Normalize by xpt
229  // Default values are already normalized, so only normalize if not default
230  if(nlr.present("col_pin")) inner_psi_bound *= magnetic_field.psi_norm();
231  if(nlr.present("col_pout")) outer_psi_bound *= magnetic_field.psi_norm();
233  max_n_subcycles = nlr.get<int>("col_max_n_subcycles", 1); // Enables collision subcycling. Collision time step of an unconverged vertex will be reduced, increasing the number of cycles of that vertex up to a maximum of col_max_n_subcycles. If it still does not converge, the vertex will not be attempted again.
235  start_step = nlr.get<int>("col_f_start", 1); // The time step at which collisions begin
239  // Start off with every vertex having 1 subcycle
240  Kokkos::deep_copy(n_subcycles, 1);
242  // These defaults have not been systematically optimized
243 #ifdef USE_GPU
244  int default_batch_size = 64;
245 #else
246  int default_batch_size = 1;//omp_get_max_threads();
247 #endif
249  // Set default solver option
250 #if defined(USE_GINKGO) && defined(USE_GPU)
252 #else
254 #endif
256  if(nlr.namelist_present("performance_param")){
257  nlr.use_namelist("performance_param");
258  batch_size = nlr.get<int>("mesh_batch_size", default_batch_size); // Collisions are batched (multiple vertices run in parallel) for better performance. The best value may vary by platform. Typically higher is better (for GPU simulations) but memory usage is linearly proportional to this value.
259  if(nlr.present("collisions_solver")){
260  std::string linalg_backend_str = nlr.get<std::string>("collisions_solver", "lapack"); // Which collisions solver to use.
261  // "lapack" is always used for CPU-only simulations
262  // "ginkgo" is available for GPU and improves performance
263  if(linalg_backend_str=="lapack") labackend = Collisions::LinAlgBackend::lapack;
264  else if(linalg_backend_str=="ginkgo") labackend = Collisions::LinAlgBackend::ginkgo;
265  else exit_XGC("\nError: Invalid input option. collisions_solver must be 'lapack' or 'ginkgo'.\n");
266  }
267  ginkgo_residual_reduction = nlr.get<double>("ginkgo_residual_reduction", 1.0e-16); // For the Ginkgo solver, the residual reduction
268  ginkgo_max_iterations = nlr.get<int>("ginkgo_max_iterations", 300); // For the Ginkgo solver, the maximum number of iterations
269  }else{
270  batch_size = default_batch_size;
271  ginkgo_residual_reduction = 1.0e-16;
272  ginkgo_max_iterations = 300;
273  }
275 #ifndef USE_GINKGO
276  if(labackend == Collisions::LinAlgBackend::ginkgo) exit_XGC("\nError: collisions_solver=='ginkgo' was specified, but XGC was configured without Ginkgo.\n");
277 #endif
278 #ifndef USE_GPU
279  if(labackend == Collisions::LinAlgBackend::ginkgo) exit_XGC("\nError: The CPU-only version of XGC cannot use collisions_solver=='ginkgo'.\n");
280 #endif
282  if(is_rank_zero()){
283  printf("\nUsing %s for collision solver.\n", (labackend == Collisions::LinAlgBackend::ginkgo ? "Ginkgo" : "LAPACK"));
284  }
286  // Diagnostic
287  nlr.use_namelist("diag_param");
288  diag_on = nlr.get<bool>("diag_col_convergence_stat_on",false);
290  if(diag_on){
291  io_stream = std::make_shared<XGC_IO_Stream>();
292  io_stream->Init("collision_stats");
293  XGC_IO_Mode mode = (overwrite_existing_files ? XGC_IO_Mode::Write : XGC_IO_Mode::Append);
294  io_stream->Open("xgc.col_conv_status.bp", mode);
295  }
296  }
299  nlr.use_namelist("ptl_param");
300  int plasma_nspecies = nlr.get<int>("ptl_nsp",1);
302  nlr.use_namelist("sml_param");
303  bool sml_electron_on = nlr.get<bool>("sml_electron_on", false);
304  if(sml_electron_on) plasma_nspecies += 1; // Add electrons
306  VelocityGrid vgrid(nlr);
307 #ifdef USE_GPU
308  int default_batch_size = 64;
309 #else
310  int default_batch_size = 1;//omp_get_max_threads();
311 #endif
312  int col_grid_batch_size;
313  if(nlr.namelist_present("performance_param")){
314  nlr.use_namelist("performance_param");
315  col_grid_batch_size = nlr.get<int>("mesh_batch_size", default_batch_size);
316  }else{
317  col_grid_batch_size = default_batch_size;
318  }
320  double device_col_GB_per_vertex = plasma_nspecies*std::max(plasma_nspecies-1,1)*(vgrid.nvp*vgrid.nmu)*(vgrid.nvp*vgrid.nmu)*8*BYTES_TO_GB;
321  double gpu_memory_usage = (col_grid_batch_size*device_col_GB_per_vertex);
323  MemoryPrediction memory_prediction{"Fields", 0.0, gpu_memory_usage};
325  return memory_prediction;
326  }
328  // Core init
329  void core_init(int isp, int mesh_ind, const CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& col_vgrids, const CollisionSpecies<Device>& col_spall ) const;
331  // Get maxw_fac
332  static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double get_maxw_fac(double mesh_dr, double mesh_r, double numeric_vth2) ;
334  // Get numeric v_thermal equilibrium for a given species against a given grid
335  View<double*,Device> get_numeric_v_thermal_equil(int mb_n_nodes, int spi, int grj, const CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& col_vgrids, const CollisionSpecies<Device>& col_spall) const;
337  // Delta init
338  void core_delta_init(int mb_n_nodes, int gri, int grj, int spi, CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& col_vgrids, const CollisionSpecies<Device>& col_spall) const;
340  // LU_matrix_ftn
341  static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void LU_matrix_ftn(int mesh_ind, int gri, int grj, int spi, int cell_i,int cell_j,const CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& col_vgrids,int mprl_col, int mat_pos,double coeff1,double coeff2, const TmpColData<Device>& tcd, const Kokkos::View<int**,Device>& index_map_LU_d,typename Collisions::GridMatrix<Device>::values_array_t LU_values);
343  // LU_matrix
344  void LU_matrix(int mb_n_nodes, int gri, int grj, int spi, const CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& col_vgrids,const TmpColData<Device>& tcd, Collisions::GridMatrix<Device>* const mtx) const;
346  // the core loop including the picard loop is now inside this function
347  void picard_loop(int vpic_inner_iter_max, const CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& col_vgrids, CollisionSpecies<Device>& col_spall, TmpColData<Device>& tcd, int mb_n_nodes, Kokkos::View<Convergence::Status*,HostType>& convergence_status, Kokkos::View<Convergence::Moments*,HostType>& moments) const;
349  // dispatch for E_and_D calc
350  void E_and_D(int mb_n_nodes, int gri, int grj, const CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& col_vgrids, TmpColData<Device>& tcd) const;
352  // E_and_D_s
353  static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void E_and_D_s(int idx, int mb_n_nodes, int nvrm1, int nvzm1, const TmpColData<Device>& tcd, int gri) ;
355  // dispatch for angle_avg calc
356  void angle_avg(int mb_n_nodes, int gri, int grj, CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& col_vgrids, TmpColData<Device>& tcd) const;
358  // angle_avg_s
359  static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void angle_avg_s(int idx, int mb_n_nodes, int nvrm1, int nvzm1, const CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& col_vgrids, const TmpColData<Device>& tcd, int gri);
361  // E_and_D_ab
362  static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void E_and_D_ab(int idx, int mb_n_nodes, int nvrm1, int nvzm1, const CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& col_vgrids, const TmpColData<Device>& tcd, int gri, int grj);
364  // angle_avg_ab
365  static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void angle_avg_ab(int idx, int mb_n_nodes, int nvrm1, int nvzm1, const CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& col_vgrids, const TmpColData<Device>& tcd, int gri, int grj);
367  void f_df(int mb_n_nodes, const CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& col_vgrids, const CollisionSpecies<Device>& col_spall,int spi,int grj,TmpColData<Device>& tcd) const;
369  // Main collision algorithm
370  Kokkos::View<Convergence::Status*,HostType> core(CollisionVelocityGrids<Device>& col_vgrids, CollisionSpecies<Device>& col_spall, TmpColData<Device>& tcd, int mb_n_nodes) const;
373  // Carries out collisions
374  void collision(std::vector<Species<DeviceType>> &all_species, const Moments& moments, const DomainDecomposition<DeviceType>& pol_decomp, const View<bool*, HostType>& in_range, bool symmetric_f, const VGridDistribution<HostType>& f0_f, VGridDistribution<HostType>& df_out, double dt, View<int*,CLayout,HostType>& converged_all, View<double*,CLayout,HostType>& node_cost) const;
375 };
377 #include "col_grid.tpp"
379 #endif
double min_p_thres
Definition: col_grid.hpp:67
double inpsi
Boundary condition used in a few spots.
Definition: magnetic_field.hpp:42
Definition: col_grid_matrix.hpp:23
double w_sum
Definition: col_grid.hpp:65
int nmu
n points in mu (not including zero)
Definition: velocity_grid.hpp:13
bool is_rank_zero()
Definition: globals.hpp:27
int nvp
n points in parallel velocity (not including zero)
Definition: velocity_grid.hpp:9
Kokkos::View< double ******, Device > M_ab
Definition: col_grid.hpp:165
static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void LU_matrix_ftn(int mesh_ind, int gri, int grj, int spi, int cell_i, int cell_j, const CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &col_vgrids, int mprl_col, int mat_pos, double coeff1, double coeff2, const TmpColData< Device > &tcd, const Kokkos::View< int **, Device > &index_map_LU_d, typename Collisions::GridMatrix< Device >::values_array_t LU_values)
Definition: col_grid.tpp:871
int batch_size
Definition: col_grid.hpp:200
T get(const string &param, const T default_val, int val_ind=0)
Definition: NamelistReader.hpp:373
constexpr double BYTES_TO_GB
Definition: constants.hpp:12
Kokkos::View< Convergence::Status *, HostType > core(CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &col_vgrids, CollisionSpecies< Device > &col_spall, TmpColData< Device > &tcd, int mb_n_nodes) const
Definition: col_grid.tpp:150
Kokkos::View< double *****, Device > M_s
Definition: col_grid.hpp:166
Definition: col_grid.hpp:196
Kokkos::DualView< double ****, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Device > pdf_np1
Definition: col_species.hpp:88
Definition: velocity_grid.hpp:8
void set(int mesh_ind, const CollisionSpecies< Device > &col_spall)
Definition: col_grid.hpp:108
bool present(const string &param)
Definition: NamelistReader.hpp:363
Definition: col_grid.hpp:47
Kokkos::View< double ***, Device > fhalf
Definition: col_grid.hpp:161
Definition: col_grid.hpp:46
Definition: col_grid.hpp:52
void collision(std::vector< Species< DeviceType >> &all_species, const Moments &moments, const DomainDecomposition< DeviceType > &pol_decomp, const View< bool *, HostType > &in_range, bool symmetric_f, const VGridDistribution< HostType > &f0_f, VGridDistribution< HostType > &df_out, double dt, View< int *, CLayout, HostType > &converged_all, View< double *, CLayout, HostType > &node_cost) const
Definition: col_grid.tpp:22
Collisions::LinAlgBackend labackend
Definition: col_grid.hpp:202
double p_sum
Definition: col_grid.hpp:66
Kokkos::View< value_type ***, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Device, Kokkos::MemoryTraits< Kokkos::Unmanaged >> values_array_t
Definition: col_grid_matrix.hpp:31
Kokkos::View< double ***, Device > gammac_spall
Definition: col_grid.hpp:158
Definition: NamelistReader.hpp:193
Definition: magnetic_field.hpp:12
Definition: moments.hpp:9
bool en_exit_ok
Definition: col_grid.hpp:74
Definition: col_grid.hpp:30
Kokkos::DualView< CollisionSpeciesScalars **, Device > s
Definition: col_species.hpp:85
double dn_n_max
Definition: col_grid.hpp:72
Definition: col_grid.hpp:218
int ginkgo_max_iterations
Definition: col_grid.hpp:205
double inner_psi_bound
Inner psi bound; collisions skipped below this.
Definition: col_grid.hpp:207
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double psi_norm() const
Definition: magnetic_field.tpp:3
Definition: col_vgrids.hpp:13
void core_delta_init(int mb_n_nodes, int gri, int grj, int spi, CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &col_vgrids, const CollisionSpecies< Device > &col_spall) const
Definition: col_grid.tpp:810
View< double *, Device > get_numeric_v_thermal_equil(int mb_n_nodes, int spi, int grj, const CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &col_vgrids, const CollisionSpecies< Device > &col_spall) const
Definition: col_grid.tpp:778
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double vp_vol_fac(int ivz) const
Definition: col_vgrids.hpp:107
static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void E_and_D_ab(int idx, int mb_n_nodes, int nvrm1, int nvzm1, const CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &col_vgrids, const TmpColData< Device > &tcd, int gri, int grj)
Definition: col_grid.tpp:548
Definition: col_grid.hpp:48
Definition: col_grid.hpp:155
void LU_matrix(int mb_n_nodes, int gri, int grj, int spi, const CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &col_vgrids, const TmpColData< Device > &tcd, Collisions::GridMatrix< Device > *const mtx) const
Definition: col_grid.tpp:916
const int vpic_inner_iter_max
Definition: col_grid.hpp:40
static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void E_and_D_s(int idx, int mb_n_nodes, int nvrm1, int nvzm1, const TmpColData< Device > &tcd, int gri)
Definition: col_grid.tpp:717
View< double ***, CLayout, HostType > mesh_r
Definition: col_vgrids.hpp:20
void core_init(int isp, int mesh_ind, const CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &col_vgrids, const CollisionSpecies< Device > &col_spall) const
Definition: col_grid.tpp:374
double dw_sum
Definition: col_grid.hpp:70
double outpsi
Boundary condition used in a few spots.
Definition: magnetic_field.hpp:43
Kokkos::DualView< double ****, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Device > pdf_n
Definition: col_species.hpp:87
void use_namelist(const string &namelist)
Definition: NamelistReader.hpp:355
Definition: col_grid.hpp:63
Definition: col_grid.hpp:32
Definition: memory_prediction.hpp:4
void eval(int isp, int mesh_ind, const CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &cvg, const CollisionSpecies< Device > &cs, double &dw, double &dp, double &dn_n) const
Definition: col_grid.hpp:79
void E_and_D(int mb_n_nodes, int gri, int grj, const CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &col_vgrids, TmpColData< Device > &tcd) const
Definition: col_grid.tpp:510
Definition: col_grid.hpp:49
Kokkos::View< double ***, Device > dfdz
Definition: col_grid.hpp:163
double outer_psi_bound
Outer psi bound; collisions skipped above this.
Definition: col_grid.hpp:208
void picard_loop(int vpic_inner_iter_max, const CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &col_vgrids, CollisionSpecies< Device > &col_spall, TmpColData< Device > &tcd, int mb_n_nodes, Kokkos::View< Convergence::Status *, HostType > &convergence_status, Kokkos::View< Convergence::Moments *, HostType > &moments) const
Definition: col_grid.tpp:257
View< int *, CLayout, HostType > n_subcycles
Number of subcycles for each vertex.
Definition: col_grid.hpp:213
Definition: col_grid.hpp:35
double ginkgo_residual_reduction
Definition: col_grid.hpp:204
static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void angle_avg_s(int idx, int mb_n_nodes, int nvrm1, int nvzm1, const CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &col_vgrids, const TmpColData< Device > &tcd, int gri)
Definition: col_grid.tpp:601
bool dens_exit_ok
Definition: col_grid.hpp:73
bool namelist_present(const string &namelist)
Definition: NamelistReader.hpp:351
Definition: col_grid.hpp:31
View< double ***, CLayout, HostType > mesh_z
Definition: col_vgrids.hpp:21
Definition: xgc_io.hpp:17
Kokkos::View< double ****, Device > EDs
Definition: col_grid.hpp:164
Definition: col_grid.hpp:33
void exit_XGC(std::string msg)
Definition: globals.hpp:37
Definition: col_grid.hpp:54
Definition: magnetic_field.F90:1
Definition: col_grid_matrix.hpp:221
int n() const
Definition: col_species.hpp:181
Definition: col_grid.hpp:51
Kokkos::View< double ***, Device > dfdr
Definition: col_grid.hpp:162
static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void angle_avg_ab(int idx, int mb_n_nodes, int nvrm1, int nvzm1, const CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &col_vgrids, const TmpColData< Device > &tcd, int gri, int grj)
Definition: col_grid.tpp:440
int start_step
starting step for collisions; should be part of step trigger
Definition: col_grid.hpp:210
bool mom_exit_ok
Definition: col_grid.hpp:75
View< double ***, CLayout, HostType > vol_h
Definition: col_vgrids.hpp:23
Definition: species.hpp:75
static MemoryPrediction estimate_memory_usage(NLReader::NamelistReader &nlr)
Definition: col_grid.hpp:298
CollisionGrid(NLReader::NamelistReader &nlr, const MagneticField< DeviceType > &magnetic_field, const Grid< DeviceType > &grid, bool overwrite_existing_files)
Definition: col_grid.hpp:221
std::shared_ptr< XGC_IO_Stream > io_stream
Definition: col_grid.hpp:216
Definition: col_species.hpp:81
Kokkos::DualView< int[4][4], Device > mat_pos_rel_indx
Definition: col_grid.hpp:159
void angle_avg(int mb_n_nodes, int gri, int grj, CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &col_vgrids, TmpColData< Device > &tcd) const
Definition: col_grid.tpp:422
bool is_okay(Status convergence_status)
Definition: col_grid.hpp:57
Definition: col_grid.hpp:53
double dp_sum
Definition: col_grid.hpp:71
void f_df(int mb_n_nodes, const CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &col_vgrids, const CollisionSpecies< Device > &col_spall, int spi, int grj, TmpColData< Device > &tcd) const
Definition: col_grid.tpp:666
Kokkos::ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing NoInit
Definition: space_settings.hpp:69
static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double get_maxw_fac(double mesh_dr, double mesh_r, double numeric_vth2)
Definition: col_grid.tpp:762
Definition: col_grid.hpp:50
bool evaluate_conservation(int mesh_ind, const CollisionVelocityGrids< Device > &col_vgrids, const CollisionSpecies< Device > &col_spall, bool &values_are_all_finite)
Definition: col_grid.hpp:121
bool diag_on
Definition: col_grid.hpp:215
Definition: col_grid.hpp:34
int max_n_subcycles
Maximum number of subcycles that may be attempted.
Definition: col_grid.hpp:212