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poisson.F90 File Reference
#include "petsc_version_defs.h"
#include <petsc/finclude/petsc.h>
Include dependency graph for poisson.F90:

Data Types

module  f90moduleinterfaces
 Explicit interfaces to somve PETSc function used by the FSA solver. More...
interface  f90moduleinterfaces::pcsetapplicationcontext
interface  f90moduleinterfaces::pcgetapplicationcontext
interface  f90moduleinterfaces::matcreateshell
interface  f90moduleinterfaces::matshellsetcontext
interface  f90moduleinterfaces::matshellgetcontext


subroutine init_poisson (grid, psn, iflag_dummy)
subroutine pcshermanmorrisonapply (pc, xin, yout, ierr)
 Applies a Sherman-Morrison preconditioner. More...
subroutine create_2field_solver (grid, bd, solver, solver_data)
 Sets up a 2x2 block solver for the Poisson equation. The first row is the Poisson equation, the second row is a constraint equation for the flux-surface averaged potential. More...
subroutine make_12mat (grid, Bmat, BIdentMat, FSAMass_Te, solver, bd, scale, xgc_petsc)
subroutine make_21mat (grid, Cmat, Bmat, CConstBCVec, bd, xgc_petsc)
subroutine solve_axisymmetric_poisson (iflag)
 High level Poisson solver routine for n=0, offers choice of outer iterative solver, two-step solver, and FSA solver. More...
subroutine set_rhs_poisson (grid, psn, solver, xgc_rhs, xgc_rhs00, xgc_rhs_bd, xgc_sol_bd, iflag, is_turb, is_two_step)
 Routine to set and process the rhs arrays for both axisymmetric and turbulent poisson solvers. Also sets boundary data for XGCA. More...
subroutine set_rhs_poisson_turb (xgc_rhs, xgc_rhs00, xgc_rhs_bd, xgc_sol_bd, iflag)
subroutine save_rhs_poisson (xgc_rhs, iflag, ipc)
 Save the charge density for time averaging of the Poisson equation. More...
subroutine spectral_solver_decompose (grid, field_inout, field_ntor)
 Decompose field into spectral components treated by the spectral solver and the rest treated by the regular solver. More...
integer function get_ntor_num_from_ntor_real (ntor_real, nphi, wedge_n)
 Calculates the numerical toroidal mode number for a given real toroidal mode number. More...
subroutine spectral_solver_reassemble (grid, field_inout, field_ntor)
 Reassemble the full field from the spectral components treated by the spectral solver, and the rest treated by the regular solver. More...
subroutine fourier_filter_n_m_range_parallel_wrap (field_inout, bd_width)
subroutine fourier_filter_m_range_wrap (field_ntor, bd_width)
subroutine fourier_filter_single_n_flex_wrap (field_inout, field_ntor, bd_width)
subroutine set_petsc_rhs_vec_axisymmetric_poisson (grid, psn, solver, xgc_rhs, xgc_rhs_bd, xgc_sol_bd)
 Places rhs and (optionally) boundary condition data into a PETSc vector. More...
subroutine set_initial_guess_axisymmetric_poisson (grid, psn)
 Sets initial guess for the iterative axisymmetric poisson solver using the simple00 solver. The initial guess is stored in psnpot0m. More...
subroutine solve_axisymmetric_poisson_iter (grid, psn)
 Poisson solver that uses an iterative method to solve for the axisymmetric electrostatic potential: The Poisson equation for the axisymmetric mode is

\[ -\nabla_\perp \cdot \xi \nabla_\perp \overline{\phi}_{k+1} + \frac{e n_0/T_{e,0}} \overline{\phi}_{k+1} = e \left( \langle \overline{\delta n_i} \rangle_g - \overline{\delta n_{e,NA}} \right) + \frac{e n_0/T_{e,0}} \langle \phi_{k} \rangle_{fs} \]

where \(k\) is the iteration index, \(xi\) is the electric susceptibility, \(e\) is the elementary charge, \(n_0\) and \(T_0\) are the background density and temperature, \(\langle \overline{\delta n_i} \rangle_g\) is the gyroaveraged ion (gyrocenter) charge density, \(\overline{\delta n_{e,NA}}\) is the non-adiabatic electron charge density, and \(\langle\dots\rangle_{fs}\) is the the flux-surface average. \(\overline{\dots}\) is the toroidal average. More...

subroutine axisym_mat_mult (A, X, Y, ierr)
 Subroutine used to apply the shell matrix representing the left hand side of the axisymmetric Poisson equation

\[ -\nabla_\perp \cdot \xi \nabla_\perp \overline{\phi} + \frac{e n_0/T_{e,0}} \left( \overline{\phi} - \langle \overline{\phi} \rangle_{fs} \right) \]

. More...

subroutine axisym_ad_mat_mult (A, X, Y, ierr)
 Subroutine used to apply the shell matrix representing the adiabatic term in the axisymmetric Poisson equation

\[ \frac{e n_0/T_{e,0}} \left( \overline{\phi} - \alpha(\psi) \langle \overline{\phi} \rangle_{fs} \right) \]

. More...

subroutine axisym_pc_apply (pc, X, Y, ierr)
 Subroutine used to apply the shell preconditioner used in the iterative solution of the axisymmetric Poisson equation. More...
subroutine solve_axisymmetric_poisson_two_step_fsa (grid, psn, xgc_rhs, xgc_rhs00, xgc_rhs_bd, xgc_rhs_bd00, xgc_sol_bd, xgc_sol_bd00)
 Simple two-step 2D solver driver for the axisymmetric potential and one-step solver ("FSA-solver") with constraint equation for the flux-surface averaged potential. For the two-step solver, the RHS is the flux-surface averaged charge density, the LHS consists only of the polarization operator. The result of the 2D solve is flux-surface averaged; i.e., the result is \(\langle\phi\rangle\) The Poisson equation for the flux-surface averaged mode is

\[ -\nabla_\perp \cdot \xi \nabla_\perp \overline{\phi} = e \left\langle \left( \langle \overline{\delta n_i} \rangle_g - \overline{\delta n_{e,NA}} \right) \right\rangle_{fs} \]

where \(xi\) is the electric susceptibility, \(e\) is the elementary charge, \(n_0\) is the background density, \(\langle \overline{\delta n_i} \rangle_g\) is the gyroaveraged ion (gyrocenter) charge density, \(\overline{\delta n_{e,NA}}\) is the non-adiabatic electron charge density, and \(\langle\dots\rangle_{fs}\) is the the flux-surface average. \(\overline{\dots}\) is the toroidal average. More...

subroutine post_process_axisymmetric_poisson (temp_ev_elec)
 Routine to post process the solution from the axisymmetric poisson solver. More...
subroutine poisson_turb_petsc_solve (xgc_rhs, xgc_field)
 Routine to solve the non-axisymmetric Poisson equation:

\[ -\nabla_\perp \cdot \xi \nabla_\perp \delta\phi + \frac{e n_0/T_{e,0}} \delta\phi = e \left( \langle \delta n_i \rangle_g - \overline{\delta n_{e,NA}} \right) \]

. More...

subroutine poisson_turb_petsc_spectral_solve (xgc_rhs_spectral, xgc_field_spectral)
 Routine to solve the non-axisymmetric Poisson equation:

\[ -\nabla_\perp \cdot \xi \nabla_\perp \delta\phi + \frac{e n_0/T_{e,0}} \delta\phi = e \left( \langle \delta n_i \rangle_g - \overline{\delta n_{e,NA}} \right) \]

. More...

integer(c_int) function get_solverh_nbndry ()
subroutine solve_ampere_cv (xgc_rhs, xgc_rhs2, Ah)
subroutine solve_ampere_cv_spec (xgc_rhs_spectral, xgc_rhs2_spectral, xgc_field_spectral)
subroutine solve_ampere (xgc_rhs, xgc_rhs2, Ah)
subroutine solve_ampere_spec (xgc_rhs_spectral, xgc_rhs2_spectral, xgc_field_spectral)
subroutine apply_radial_hyperviscosity (input, output)

Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine apply_radial_hyperviscosity ( real(8), dimension(grid_global%nnode)  input,
real(8), dimension(grid_global%nnode)  output 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine axisym_ad_mat_mult (   A,

Subroutine used to apply the shell matrix representing the adiabatic term in the axisymmetric Poisson equation

\[ \frac{e n_0/T_{e,0}} \left( \overline{\phi} - \alpha(\psi) \langle \overline{\phi} \rangle_{fs} \right) \]


[in]AShell matrix which multiplies X, Petsc Mat
[in]XVector to be multiplied, Petsc Vec
[out]YVector to store product A*X, Petsc Vec
[out]ierrPETSc Error code

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine axisym_mat_mult (   A,

Subroutine used to apply the shell matrix representing the left hand side of the axisymmetric Poisson equation

\[ -\nabla_\perp \cdot \xi \nabla_\perp \overline{\phi} + \frac{e n_0/T_{e,0}} \left( \overline{\phi} - \langle \overline{\phi} \rangle_{fs} \right) \]


[in]AShell matrix which multiplies X, Petsc Mat
[in]XVector to be multiplied, Petsc Vec
[out]YVector to store product A*X, Petsc Vec
[out]ierrPETSc Error code

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine axisym_pc_apply (   pc,

Subroutine used to apply the shell preconditioner used in the iterative solution of the axisymmetric Poisson equation.

[in]pcShell preconditioner which is applied to residual X, Petsc PC
[in]XResidual vector, Petsc Vec
[out]YPreconditioned residual vector, Petsc Vec
[out]ierrPETSc Error code

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine create_2field_solver ( type(grid_type)  grid,
type(boundary2_type)  bd,
type(xgc_solver)  solver,
type(solver_init_data), intent(in)  solver_data 

Sets up a 2x2 block solver for the Poisson equation. The first row is the Poisson equation, the second row is a constraint equation for the flux-surface averaged potential.

[in]gridXGC grid object, type(grid_type)
[in]bdObject containing the indices of the solver boundary vertices in the XGC mesh.
[in,out]solverXGC solver object into which to put the new solver, type(xgc_solver)
[in]solver_dataData needed for settug up the ssolver, type(solver_init_data)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine fourier_filter_m_range_wrap ( real(kind=8), dimension(grid_global%nnode,2), intent(inout)  field_ntor,
real(kind=8)  bd_width 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine fourier_filter_n_m_range_parallel_wrap ( real(kind=8), dimension(grid_global%nnode), intent(inout)  field_inout,
real(kind=8)  bd_width 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine fourier_filter_single_n_flex_wrap ( real(kind=8), dimension(grid_global%nnode), intent(inout)  field_inout,
real(kind=8), dimension(grid_global%nnode,2), intent(out)  field_ntor,
real(kind=8)  bd_width 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

integer function get_ntor_num_from_ntor_real ( integer, intent(in)  ntor_real,
integer, intent(in)  nphi,
integer, intent(in)  wedge_n 

Calculates the numerical toroidal mode number for a given real toroidal mode number.

[in]ntor_realReal toroidal mode number, integer
[in]nphiNumber of toroidal planes per wedge, integer
[in]wedge_nNumber of wedges per toroidal circuit, integer

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

integer(c_int) function get_solverh_nbndry ( )

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine init_poisson ( type(grid_type)  grid,
type(psn_type)  psn,
integer  iflag_dummy 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine make_12mat ( type(grid_type)  grid,
intent(out)  Bmat,
intent(in)  FSAMass_Te,
type(xgc_solver)  solver,
type(boundary2_type), intent(in)  bd,
real (8), intent(in)  scale,
dimension(grid%nnode), intent(in)  xgc_petsc 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine make_21mat ( type(grid_type)  grid,
intent(in)  Bmat,
type(boundary2_type), intent(in)  bd,
dimension(grid%nnode), intent(in)  xgc_petsc 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine pcshermanmorrisonapply (   pc,

Applies a Sherman-Morrison preconditioner.

[in,out]pcPETCs PC object (manages preconditioners)
xin???, Vec
yout???, Vec
[out]ierrPETc error code

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine poisson_turb_petsc_solve ( real (8), dimension(grid%nnode)  xgc_rhs,
real (8), dimension(grid%nnode)  xgc_field 

Routine to solve the non-axisymmetric Poisson equation:

\[ -\nabla_\perp \cdot \xi \nabla_\perp \delta\phi + \frac{e n_0/T_{e,0}} \delta\phi = e \left( \langle \delta n_i \rangle_g - \overline{\delta n_{e,NA}} \right) \]


[in]gridXGC grid data object
[in,out]psnXGC field data object

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine poisson_turb_petsc_spectral_solve ( real (8), dimension(grid%nnode,2)  xgc_rhs_spectral,
real (8), dimension(grid%nnode,2)  xgc_field_spectral 

Routine to solve the non-axisymmetric Poisson equation:

\[ -\nabla_\perp \cdot \xi \nabla_\perp \delta\phi + \frac{e n_0/T_{e,0}} \delta\phi = e \left( \langle \delta n_i \rangle_g - \overline{\delta n_{e,NA}} \right) \]


[in]gridXGC grid data object
[in,out]psnXGC field data object

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine post_process_axisymmetric_poisson ( real(8), dimension(grid%nnode), intent(in)  temp_ev_elec)

Routine to post process the solution from the axisymmetric poisson solver.

[in]gridXGC grid data object
[in,out]psnXGC field data object

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine save_rhs_poisson ( real(8), dimension(grid%nnode)  xgc_rhs,
integer(c_int)  iflag,
integer(c_int)  ipc 

Save the charge density for time averaging of the Poisson equation.

[in]gridXGC grid data structure, type(grid_type)
[in,out]psnXGC field data structure, type(psn_type)
[in,out]solverXGC solver object, type(xgc_solver)
[in]iflagAdiabatic solve indicator, integer
[in]ipcRK2 stage index, integer
[out]do_solve_poissonWhether to solve Ampere's law after saving RHS, logical

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine set_initial_guess_axisymmetric_poisson ( type(grid_type), intent(in)  grid,
type(psn_type), intent(inout)  psn 

Sets initial guess for the iterative axisymmetric poisson solver using the simple00 solver. The initial guess is stored in psnpot0m.

[in]gridSolver grid data, type(grid_type)
[in,out]psnField data; the pot0m is stored there, type(psn_type)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine set_petsc_rhs_vec_axisymmetric_poisson ( type(grid_type)  grid,
type(psn_type)  psn,
type(xgc_solver)  solver,
real(8), dimension(grid%nnode)  xgc_rhs,
real(8), dimension(solver%n_boundary)  xgc_rhs_bd,
real(8), dimension(solver%n_boundary)  xgc_sol_bd 

Places rhs and (optionally) boundary condition data into a PETSc vector.

[in]gridSolver grid data, type(grid_type)
[in,out]psnField data; the rhs XGC data is stored there, type(psn_type)
[in,out]solverXGC solver object; the rhs PETSc vector is stored there, type(xgc_solver)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine set_rhs_poisson ( type(grid_type)  grid,
type(psn_type)  psn,
type(xgc_solver)  solver,
real(8), dimension(grid%nnode)  xgc_rhs,
real(8), dimension(grid%nnode)  xgc_rhs00,
real (8), dimension(solver%n_boundary)  xgc_rhs_bd,
real (8), dimension(solver%n_boundary)  xgc_sol_bd,
integer, intent(in)  iflag,
logical, intent(in)  is_turb,
logical, intent(in)  is_two_step 

Routine to set and process the rhs arrays for both axisymmetric and turbulent poisson solvers. Also sets boundary data for XGCA.

[in]gridXGC grid data object
[in,out]psnXGC field data object
[in,out]solverXGC solver object, type(xgc_solver)
[in]iflagFlag to indicate whether adiabatic elec or full eq. is solved, integer
[in]is_turbIf .true. set RHS for turbulence solve, otherwise for axisymmetric solve
[in]is_two_stepWhether this is for setting the RHS for the (n=0,|m|>0) step of the two-step solver

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine set_rhs_poisson_turb ( real(8), dimension(grid%nnode)  xgc_rhs,
real(8), dimension(grid%nnode)  xgc_rhs00,
real (8), dimension(psn%solverh%n_boundary)  xgc_rhs_bd,
real (8), dimension(psn%solverh%n_boundary)  xgc_sol_bd,
integer(c_int)  iflag 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine solve_ampere ( real (8), dimension(grid%nnode)  xgc_rhs,
real (8), dimension(grid%nnode)  xgc_rhs2,
real (8), dimension(grid%nnode), intent(out)  Ah 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine solve_ampere_cv ( real (8), dimension(grid%nnode)  xgc_rhs,
real (8), dimension(grid%nnode)  xgc_rhs2,
real (8), dimension(grid%nnode), intent(out)  Ah 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine solve_ampere_cv_spec ( real (8), dimension(grid%nnode,2)  xgc_rhs_spectral,
real (8), dimension(grid%nnode,2)  xgc_rhs2_spectral,
real (8), dimension(grid%nnode,2)  xgc_field_spectral 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine solve_ampere_spec ( real (8), dimension(grid%nnode,2)  xgc_rhs_spectral,
real (8), dimension(grid%nnode,2)  xgc_rhs2_spectral,
real (8), dimension(grid%nnode,2)  xgc_field_spectral 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine solve_axisymmetric_poisson ( integer  iflag)

High level Poisson solver routine for n=0, offers choice of outer iterative solver, two-step solver, and FSA solver.

[in]iflagFlag to indicate whether adiabatic elec or full eq. is solved, integer

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine solve_axisymmetric_poisson_iter ( type(grid_type), intent(in)  grid,
type(psn_type), intent(inout)  psn 

Poisson solver that uses an iterative method to solve for the axisymmetric electrostatic potential: The Poisson equation for the axisymmetric mode is

\[ -\nabla_\perp \cdot \xi \nabla_\perp \overline{\phi}_{k+1} + \frac{e n_0/T_{e,0}} \overline{\phi}_{k+1} = e \left( \langle \overline{\delta n_i} \rangle_g - \overline{\delta n_{e,NA}} \right) + \frac{e n_0/T_{e,0}} \langle \phi_{k} \rangle_{fs} \]

where \(k\) is the iteration index, \(xi\) is the electric susceptibility, \(e\) is the elementary charge, \(n_0\) and \(T_0\) are the background density and temperature, \(\langle \overline{\delta n_i} \rangle_g\) is the gyroaveraged ion (gyrocenter) charge density, \(\overline{\delta n_{e,NA}}\) is the non-adiabatic electron charge density, and \(\langle\dots\rangle_{fs}\) is the the flux-surface average. \(\overline{\dots}\) is the toroidal average.

The RHS and LHS of the axisymmetric equation can be Fourier-filtered (poloidal modes). The LHS of the non-axisymmetric equation can be Fourier-filtered in the toroidal and poloidal direction. The solver in both cases is a linear finite-element solver on an unstructured triangular grid.

[in]gridSolver grid data, type(grid_type)
[in,out]psnField data; the potential is stored there, type(psn_type)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine solve_axisymmetric_poisson_two_step_fsa ( type(grid_type), intent(in)  grid,
type(psn_type), intent(inout)  psn,
real (8), dimension(grid%nnode)  xgc_rhs,
real (8), dimension(grid%nnode)  xgc_rhs00,
real (8), dimension(psn%solverh%n_boundary)  xgc_rhs_bd,
real (8), dimension(psn%solver00%n_boundary)  xgc_rhs_bd00,
real (8), dimension(psn%solverh%n_boundary)  xgc_sol_bd,
real (8), dimension(psn%solver00%n_boundary)  xgc_sol_bd00 

Simple two-step 2D solver driver for the axisymmetric potential and one-step solver ("FSA-solver") with constraint equation for the flux-surface averaged potential. For the two-step solver, the RHS is the flux-surface averaged charge density, the LHS consists only of the polarization operator. The result of the 2D solve is flux-surface averaged; i.e., the result is \(\langle\phi\rangle\) The Poisson equation for the flux-surface averaged mode is

\[ -\nabla_\perp \cdot \xi \nabla_\perp \overline{\phi} = e \left\langle \left( \langle \overline{\delta n_i} \rangle_g - \overline{\delta n_{e,NA}} \right) \right\rangle_{fs} \]

where \(xi\) is the electric susceptibility, \(e\) is the elementary charge, \(n_0\) is the background density, \(\langle \overline{\delta n_i} \rangle_g\) is the gyroaveraged ion (gyrocenter) charge density, \(\overline{\delta n_{e,NA}}\) is the non-adiabatic electron charge density, and \(\langle\dots\rangle_{fs}\) is the the flux-surface average. \(\overline{\dots}\) is the toroidal average.

NOTE: The two-step solver does not support non-zero Dirichlet boundary conditions!

The FSA solver solves the same equation as the outer-iterative solver (solve_axisymmetric_poisson_iter), but with a twist. The flux-surface averaged potential is treated as an independent field \(\lambda\) in the Poisson equation. In order to make the equation consistent, a second (constraint) equation is added that enforces \(\lambda=\langle\phi\rangle_{fs}\). So the FSA solver solves a 2x2 block system.

[in]gridSolver grid data, type(grid_type)
[in,out]psnField data; the potential is stored there, type(psn_type)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine spectral_solver_decompose ( type(grid_type), intent(in)  grid,
real(kind=8), dimension(grid%nnode), intent(inout)  field_inout,
real(kind=8), dimension(grid%nnode,2), intent(out)  field_ntor 

Decompose field into spectral components treated by the spectral solver and the rest treated by the regular solver.

[in]gridXGC grid object, type(grid_type)
[in,out]field_inoutInput data, real(8)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine spectral_solver_reassemble ( type(grid_type), intent(in)  grid,
real(kind=8), dimension(grid%nnode), intent(inout)  field_inout,
real(kind=8), dimension(grid%nnode,2), intent(inout)  field_ntor 

Reassemble the full field from the spectral components treated by the spectral solver, and the rest treated by the regular solver.

[in]gridXGC grid object, type(grid_type)
[in,out]field_inoutInput data, real(8)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function: