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1 #ifndef GLOBALS_HPP
2 #define GLOBALS_HPP
3 #include <limits.h>
4 #include <string>
5 #include <cassert>
6 #include "space_settings.hpp"
7 #include "array_deep_copy.hpp"
8 #include "access_add.hpp"
9 #include "simd.hpp"
10 #ifdef USE_MPI
11 #include "my_mpi.hpp"
12 #endif
13 #include "constants.hpp"
15 /* Returns max number of omp threads, or 1 if no omp
16  */
17 inline int get_num_cpu_threads(){
18 #ifdef USE_OMP
19  return omp_get_max_threads();
20 #else
21  return 1;
22 #endif
23 }
25 /* Return true if MPI rank is zero
26  * */
27 inline bool is_rank_zero(){
28 #ifdef USE_MPI
29  return SML_COMM_RANK==0;
30 #else
31  return true;
32 #endif
33 }
35 /* Safely abort and exit the code
36  * */
37 inline void exit_XGC(std::string msg){
38  printf("%s",msg.c_str());
39  fflush(stdout);
40 #ifdef USE_MPI
41  MPI_Abort(SML_COMM_WORLD, 1);
42 #else
43  exit(1);
44 #endif
45 }
47 /* Asserts condition
48  * (Callable from Device)
49  * (C++ has no standardized assert with a message)
50  * */
51 KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void assert_XGC(bool cond, const char* msg){
52  if(!cond){
53  DEVICE_PRINTF("%s",msg);
54  assert(false);
55  }
56 }
58 /* Check that two integers multiplied together doesn't cause an overflow
59  * */
60 inline bool causes_multiplication_overflow(int a,int b){
61  int c = a*b;
62  if(b==0) return false; // No overflow
63  return !(c/b == a);
64 }
66 /* Check that two integers added together doesn't cause an overflow
67  * */
68 inline bool causes_addition_overflow(int a,int b){
69  if ( ((b > 0) && (a > INT_MAX - b)) // a + b would overflow
70  ||((b < 0) && (a < INT_MIN - b)) ){ // a + b would underflow
71  return true;
72  } else {
73  return false;
74  }
75 }
77 enum class Order{
78  Zero,
79  One,
80  Two
81 };
84  ELECTRON = 0,
86 };
88 enum KinType{
91 };
93 /* PhiInterpType specifies whether the field uses two values in order to interpolate in the phi direction
94  * */
95 enum class PhiInterpType{
96  Planes,
97  None
98 };
100 // Eventually, nearly the entire code will be templated on PhiInterpType, which is XGC1 vs XGCa
101 // As an intermediate step, it is convenient to specify the template in one global location
102 #ifdef XGC1
104 #else
106 #endif
108 /* What type of marker weight algorithm to use, reduced delta-f or total-f
109  */
110 enum class MarkerType{
112  FullF,
113  TotalF,
114  None
115 };
116 #ifdef DELTAF_CONV
118 #else
120 #endif
122 /* Whether to use cylindrical limit geometry with periodic boundary function
123  */
124 enum class GeometryType{
125  Toroidal,
127 };
128 #ifdef CYLINDRICAL
130 #else
132 #endif
143 template<GeometryType GT>
144 KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double geometry_switch(double a, double b);
146 template<>
147 KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double geometry_switch<GeometryType::Toroidal>(double a, double b){
148  return a;
149 }
151 template<>
152 KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double geometry_switch<GeometryType::CylindricalLimit>(double a, double b){
153  return b;
154 }
160 template<GeometryType GT>
161 KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION constexpr bool use_toroidal_terms();
163 template<>
164 KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION constexpr bool use_toroidal_terms<GeometryType::CylindricalLimit>(){
165  return 0;
166 }
168 template<>
169 KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION constexpr bool use_toroidal_terms<GeometryType::Toroidal>(){
170  return 1;
171 }
173 /***/
176  PIR = 0,
177  PIZ,
178  PIP,
183 };
186  PIM = 0,
190 };
192 // Divide two integers, then round up
193 KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int divide_and_round_up(int a, int b){
194  return (a+b-1)/b;
195 }
197 // Positive modulo. i.e. positive_modulo(-1,3) will return 2, whereas (-1)%3 returns -1.
198 KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION unsigned positive_modulo( int value, unsigned m) {
199  int mod = value % (int)m;
200  if (mod < 0) {
201  mod += m;
202  }
203  return mod;
204 }
206 /* Returns the offset of an evenly distributed set of objects into even subsets. If the set can be distributed evenly,
207  * then this operation is simply the local subset times the result of the division. If not, then the first k
208  * subsets will have one extra object, where k is the remainder.
209  *
210  * n_obj is the number of objects that need to be divided
211  * n_subsets is the number of ranks the objects are being divided into
212  * i_subset is the index of this particular subset
213  *
214  */
215 inline long long int offsets_of_even_distribution(long long int n_obj, long long int n_subsets, long long int i_subset){
216  long long int obj_per_subset = n_obj/n_subsets;
217  long long int remainder = n_obj%n_subsets;
218  if (i_subset<remainder){
219  obj_per_subset += 1;
220  return i_subset*obj_per_subset;
221  }else{
222  return i_subset*obj_per_subset + remainder;
223  }
224 }
226 /* Returns the count of an evenly distributed set of objects into even subsets. If the set can be distributed evenly,
227  * then this operation is simply the result of the division. If not, then the first k
228  * subsets will have one extra object, where k is the remainder.
229  *
230  * n_obj is the number of objects that need to be divided
231  * n_subsets is the number of ranks the objects are being divided into
232  * i_subset is the index of this particular subset
233  *
234  */
235 inline long long int counts_of_even_distribution(long long int n_obj, long long int n_subsets, long long int i_subset){
236  long long int obj_per_subset = n_obj/n_subsets;
237  long long int remainder = n_obj%n_subsets;
238  if (i_subset<remainder){
239  obj_per_subset += 1;
240  }
241  return obj_per_subset;
242 }
244 // Converts integer to string and adds leading zeros
245 inline std::string formatted_int2str(int input, int n_digits){
246  std::string string_no_leading = std::to_string(input); // no leading zeros
248  int initial_length = string_no_leading.length();
249  int zeros_to_add = n_digits - std::min(n_digits, initial_length);
251  // Add leading zeros
252  return std::string(zeros_to_add, '0') + string_no_leading;
253 }
255 // is_same_type is equivalent to std::is_same, but can be used in cuda kernels
256 template<class T, class U> struct is_same_type{static constexpr bool val=false;};
257 template<class T > struct is_same_type<T, T>{static constexpr bool val=true;};
259 // Defined and initialized in my_mpi.cpp, reset in sml.tpp
260 extern bool global_debug_flag;
262 #endif
Definition: globals.hpp:84
Magnetic moment mu.
Definition: globals.hpp:186
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int divide_and_round_up(int a, int b)
Definition: globals.hpp:193
constexpr GeometryType GEOMETRY
Definition: globals.hpp:131
bool is_rank_zero()
Definition: globals.hpp:27
Definition: globals.hpp:110
Definition: globals.hpp:179
Definition: my_mpi.cpp:4
long long int counts_of_even_distribution(long long int n_obj, long long int n_subsets, long long int i_subset)
Definition: globals.hpp:235
#define DEVICE_PRINTF(...)
Definition: space_settings.hpp:85
Definition: globals.hpp:89
Definition: globals.hpp:187
bool causes_multiplication_overflow(int a, int b)
Definition: globals.hpp:60
Definition: globals.hpp:182
bool global_debug_flag
Definition: checkpoint.cpp:11
Definition: globals.hpp:256
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION unsigned positive_modulo(int value, unsigned m)
Definition: globals.hpp:198
Definition: globals.hpp:95
r coordinate
Definition: globals.hpp:176
Definition: globals.hpp:77
constexpr PhiInterpType PIT_GLOBAL
Definition: globals.hpp:103
std::string formatted_int2str(int input, int n_digits)
Definition: globals.hpp:245
Definition: globals.hpp:189
Definition: globals.hpp:90
Definition: globals.hpp:175
2nd weight
Definition: globals.hpp:181
Definition: my_mpi.cpp:5
Definition: globals.hpp:88
Definition: globals.hpp:124
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double geometry_switch(double a, double b)
Definition: globals.hpp:85
void exit_XGC(std::string msg)
Definition: globals.hpp:37
Definition: globals.hpp:188
int get_num_cpu_threads()
Definition: globals.hpp:17
phi coordinate
Definition: globals.hpp:178
static constexpr bool val
Definition: globals.hpp:256
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION constexpr bool use_toroidal_terms()
1st weight
Definition: globals.hpp:180
Definition: globals.hpp:185
z coordinate
Definition: globals.hpp:177
long long int offsets_of_even_distribution(long long int n_obj, long long int n_subsets, long long int i_subset)
Definition: globals.hpp:215
Definition: globals.hpp:83
constexpr MarkerType MT_GLOBAL
Definition: globals.hpp:119
bool causes_addition_overflow(int a, int b)
Definition: globals.hpp:68
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void assert_XGC(bool cond, const char *msg)
Definition: globals.hpp:51