Public Attributes | |
type(mat_type) | smooth_pol_mat |
logical | smooth_pol_efield = .false. |
logical | smooth_rad_efield = .false. |
integer | smooth_pol_width = 3 |
real(kind=8) | smooth_pol_d0 = 0.1 |
real(kind=8) | smooth_grid_rad_width = 0.75D0 |
real(kind=8) | smooth_grid_rad_sigma = 1.7D0 |
logical | smooth_fourier_filt_on = .false. |
Switch for additional SOL Fourier filter. More... | |
real(kind=8) | smooth_sol_filt_lp0 = 0.20D0 |
Poloidal Fourier filter for SOL: Window function –> distance from divertor plate in m. More... | |
real(kind=8) | smooth_sol_filt_width = 0.05D0 |
Poloidal Fourier filter for SOL: Window function –> decay length in m. More... | |
integer | smooth_fourier_filt_maxm = 30 |
Maximal poloidal mode number for SOL Fourier filter. More... | |
integer | smooth_fourier_filt_minm = 0 |
Maximal poloidal mode number for SOL Fourier filter. More... | |
real(kind=8) | smooth_fourier_filt_inpsi = -0.1D0 |
Inner boundary for Fourier filter (outside of boundary will be zero!) More... | |
real(kind=8) | smooth_fourier_filt_outpsi = 10.0D0 |
Outer boundary for Fourier filter (outside of boundary will be zero!) More... | |
real(kind=8) | smooth_fourier_filt_bd_width = 0.02D0 |
Boundary width (tanh) for Fourier filter. More... | |
logical | smooth_hyp_vis_rad_on = .false. |
Switch for 2nd order accurate 4th derivative radial (grad(psi)) hyperviscosity. More... | |
real(kind=8) | smooth_hyp_vis_rad = 0.1D0 |
Strength of the radial hyperviscosity; sml_dt/smooth_hyp_vis_rad corresponds to the decay time of a mode with k_x=pi/dx, where dx is the local mesh size. More... | |
real(kind=8) | smooth_hyp_vis_rad_priv = 1.0D0 |
Strength of the radial hyperviscosity in the private region; sml_dt/smooth_hyp_vis_rad corresponds to the decay time of a mode with k_x=pi/dx, where dx is the local mesh size. More... | |
logical | smooth_hyp_vis_parallel_on = .false. |
Switch for 2nd order accurate 4th derivative field-aligned hyperviscosity. More... | |
real(kind=8) | smooth_hyp_vis_parallel = 1.0D0 |
Strength of the parallel hyperviscosity; sml_dt/smooth_hyp_vis_parallel corresponds to the decay time of a mode with k_x=pi/dx, where dx is the local mesh size. More... | |
real (kind=8) smooth_module::smooth_fourier_filt_bd_width = 0.02D0 |
Boundary width (tanh) for Fourier filter.
real (kind=8) smooth_module::smooth_fourier_filt_inpsi = -0.1D0 |
Inner boundary for Fourier filter (outside of boundary will be zero!)
integer smooth_module::smooth_fourier_filt_maxm = 30 |
Maximal poloidal mode number for SOL Fourier filter.
integer smooth_module::smooth_fourier_filt_minm = 0 |
Maximal poloidal mode number for SOL Fourier filter.
logical smooth_module::smooth_fourier_filt_on = .false. |
Switch for additional SOL Fourier filter.
real (kind=8) smooth_module::smooth_fourier_filt_outpsi = 10.0D0 |
Outer boundary for Fourier filter (outside of boundary will be zero!)
real (kind=8) smooth_module::smooth_grid_rad_sigma = 1.7D0 |
real (kind=8) smooth_module::smooth_grid_rad_width = 0.75D0 |
real (kind=8) smooth_module::smooth_hyp_vis_parallel = 1.0D0 |
Strength of the parallel hyperviscosity; sml_dt/smooth_hyp_vis_parallel corresponds to the decay time of a mode with k_x=pi/dx, where dx is the local mesh size.
logical smooth_module::smooth_hyp_vis_parallel_on = .false. |
Switch for 2nd order accurate 4th derivative field-aligned hyperviscosity.
real (kind=8) smooth_module::smooth_hyp_vis_rad = 0.1D0 |
Strength of the radial hyperviscosity; sml_dt/smooth_hyp_vis_rad corresponds to the decay time of a mode with k_x=pi/dx, where dx is the local mesh size.
logical smooth_module::smooth_hyp_vis_rad_on = .false. |
Switch for 2nd order accurate 4th derivative radial (grad(psi)) hyperviscosity.
real (kind=8) smooth_module::smooth_hyp_vis_rad_priv = 1.0D0 |
Strength of the radial hyperviscosity in the private region; sml_dt/smooth_hyp_vis_rad corresponds to the decay time of a mode with k_x=pi/dx, where dx is the local mesh size.
real (kind=8) smooth_module::smooth_pol_d0 = 0.1 |
logical smooth_module::smooth_pol_efield = .false. |
type(mat_type) smooth_module::smooth_pol_mat |
integer smooth_module::smooth_pol_width = 3 |
logical smooth_module::smooth_rad_efield = .false. |
real (kind=8) smooth_module::smooth_sol_filt_lp0 = 0.20D0 |
Poloidal Fourier filter for SOL: Window function –> distance from divertor plate in m.
real (kind=8) smooth_module::smooth_sol_filt_width = 0.05D0 |
Poloidal Fourier filter for SOL: Window function –> decay length in m.