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fem_operations Module Reference

This module contains functions to construct finite element matrices for Helmholtz type equations div(alpha grad(X)) + beta X = gamma, and evaluate div(grad_RZ(X)) and v.grad_RZ(X) operations. More...

Public Member Functions

subroutine eval_helm_matrix (fu, uu, grid, bc, op_mode)
 Evaluates \(-\nabla\cdot\nabla f(R,Z)\) (op_mode==1), or the FEM mass-matrix projection of a function in a linear finite element discretization. More...
subroutine b_dot_grad_u (bdotgradu, b1, b2, uu, grid)
subroutine helm_matrix (grid, Amat, solver_data, alpha, beta, ntor, set_bmat, bd, bcflag, xgc_petsc, xgc_petsc_bd, bs, idx, jdx, scale_vec, mat_assemble, ierr)
 This routine sets up the matrix for the LHS of a Helmholtz equation of the form \(\nabla\cdot\left( \alpha\nabla_\perp\phi\right) + \beta \phi\). The routine loops over triangles, evaluates the stiffness matrix of the problem for the element and then proceeds to populate the RHS matrix of the Helmholtz equation with the proper entries of the stiffness matrix. In order to limit the computing time spent on this, triangles that are completely outside of the mesh area assigned to an MPI rank are skipped. More...
subroutine diff_matrix (grid, Amat, D, pinch_v, pinch_factor, geo_factors, bd, bcflag, mass_flag, pinch_flag, indirect_pinch_flag, xgc_petsc, bs, idx, jdx, scale_vec, mat_assemble, ierr)
 Sets up the matrix elements of the RHS of Fick's law for diffusive transport with a pinch velocity: \( \frac{\partial F}{\partial t} = \nabla \cdot \left[ \boldsymbol{D}.\nabla F - F \boldsymbol{v}_p \right] \) with the diffusion tensor \( D_{ij} = D(\psi,\theta) (\hat{\boldsymbol{\psi}} \otimes \hat{\boldsymbol{\psi}}) \), where \( D(\psi,\theta) \) is a scalar function of the radial and poloidal coordinate, and \( \hat{\boldsymbol{\psi}}=\nabla\psi/|\nabla \psi|. @param[in] grid XGC grid data structure, type(grid_type) @param[out] Amat PETSc matrix to store the diffusion operator, (PETSc Mat) @param[in] D Diffusion coefficient, real(8) @param[in] pinch_v Particle pinch velocity, real(8) @param[in] pinch_factor Prefactor of the pinch term (1 in density and momentum, 5/3 in temp. eq.), real(8) @param[in] geo_factors Geometrical factors needed for diffusivity and pinch velocity @param[in] bd Solver boundary @param[in] bcflag Whether inhomogeneous boundary conditions are used, logical @param[in] mass_flag Whether the mass matrix or diffusion matrix is computed, logical @param[in] pinch_flag Whether a pinch term is included (\)({v}_p X) \(), logical @param[in] indirect_pinch_flag Whether an indirect pinch term (i.e., conservation term from pinch of lower moment) is included (\){v}_p X. More...
subroutine fsa_21_t_matrix (grid, Amat, bcflag, xgc_petsc, petsc_xgc_bd, mat_assemble, ierr)
 This routine sets up the matrices for computing the flux surface average of a 2d scalar field: \( \langle \phi \rangle \). Contributions from the interior vertices and boundary vertices are handled by separate matrices. The matrices are constructed as the transpose of what is to be applied to vectors representing the interior vertices and boundary vertices. More...
subroutine fsa_12_matrix (grid, Amat, bcflag, xgc_petsc, petsc_xgc_bd, mat_assemble, ierr)
 This routine sets up the matrices for placing 1d surface data onto a 2d scalar field. Placement onto interior vertices and boundary vertices are handled by separate matrices. More...

Detailed Description

This module contains functions to construct finite element matrices for Helmholtz type equations div(alpha grad(X)) + beta X = gamma, and evaluate div(grad_RZ(X)) and v.grad_RZ(X) operations.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine fem_operations::b_dot_grad_u ( real (kind=8), dimension(grid%nnode), intent(out)  bdotgradu,
real (kind=8), dimension(grid%nnode), intent(in)  b1,
real (kind=8), dimension(grid%nnode), intent(in)  b2,
real (kind=8), dimension(grid%nnode), intent(in)  uu,
type(grid_type), intent(in)  grid 
[out]bdotgraduOutput function \(\boldsymbol{B}\cdot\nabla f(R,Z)\) (w/o toroidal component): \(B_R \partial f/\partial R + B_Z \partial f/\partial Z\), real(8)
[in]b1Major radial component of B ( \(B_R\)), real(8)
[in]b2Vertical component of B ( \(B_Z\)), real(8)
[in]uuInput function \(f(R,Z)\), real(8)
[in]gridXGC grid data structure, type(grid_type)

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine fem_operations::diff_matrix ( type(grid_type), intent(in)  grid,
intent(inout)  Amat,
real (kind=8), dimension(grid%ntriangle), intent(in)  D,
real (kind=8), dimension(grid%ntriangle), intent(in)  pinch_v,
real (kind=8), intent(in)  pinch_factor,
real (kind=8), dimension(3,grid%ntriangle), intent(in)  geo_factors,
integer, dimension(grid%nnode), intent(in)  bd,
logical, intent(in)  bcflag,
logical, intent(in)  mass_flag,
logical, intent(in)  pinch_flag,
logical, intent(in)  indirect_pinch_flag,
dimension(grid%nnode), intent(in)  xgc_petsc,
intent(in)  bs,
intent(in)  idx,
intent(in)  jdx,
logical, intent(in)  mat_assemble,
intent(out)  ierr 

Sets up the matrix elements of the RHS of Fick's law for diffusive transport with a pinch velocity: \( \frac{\partial F}{\partial t} = \nabla \cdot \left[ \boldsymbol{D}.\nabla F - F \boldsymbol{v}_p \right] \) with the diffusion tensor \( D_{ij} = D(\psi,\theta) (\hat{\boldsymbol{\psi}} \otimes \hat{\boldsymbol{\psi}}) \), where \( D(\psi,\theta) \) is a scalar function of the radial and poloidal coordinate, and \( \hat{\boldsymbol{\psi}}=\nabla\psi/|\nabla \psi|. @param[in] grid XGC grid data structure, type(grid_type) @param[out] Amat PETSc matrix to store the diffusion operator, (PETSc Mat) @param[in] D Diffusion coefficient, real(8) @param[in] pinch_v Particle pinch velocity, real(8) @param[in] pinch_factor Prefactor of the pinch term (1 in density and momentum, 5/3 in temp. eq.), real(8) @param[in] geo_factors Geometrical factors needed for diffusivity and pinch velocity @param[in] bd Solver boundary @param[in] bcflag Whether inhomogeneous boundary conditions are used, logical @param[in] mass_flag Whether the mass matrix or diffusion matrix is computed, logical @param[in] pinch_flag Whether a pinch term is included (\)({v}_p X) \(), logical @param[in] indirect_pinch_flag Whether an indirect pinch term (i.e., conservation term from pinch of lower moment) is included (\){v}_p X.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine fem_operations::eval_helm_matrix ( real (kind=8), dimension(grid%nnode), intent(out)  fu,
real (kind=8), dimension(grid%nnode), intent(in)  uu,
type(grid_type), intent(in)  grid,
integer, dimension(grid%nnode), intent(in)  bc,
integer, intent(in)  op_mode 

Evaluates \(-\nabla\cdot\nabla f(R,Z)\) (op_mode==1), or the FEM mass-matrix projection of a function in a linear finite element discretization.

[out]fuNeg. Divergence of the gradient of the input function \(-\nabla\cdot\nabla f(R,Z)\), or \(\boldsymbol{M}\cdot f(R,Z)\), real(8)
[in]uuInput function \(f(R,Z)\), real(8)
[in]gridXGC grid data structure, type(grid_type)
[in]bcBoundary location
[in]op_modeWhether to calculate the Div(grad) (1), or mass matrix M.f (2)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine fem_operations::fsa_12_matrix ( type(grid_type)  grid,
logical, intent(in)  bcflag,
dimension(grid%nnode), intent(in)  xgc_petsc,
dimension(grid%nnode), intent(in)  petsc_xgc_bd,
logical, intent(in)  mat_assemble,
intent(out)  ierr 

This routine sets up the matrices for placing 1d surface data onto a 2d scalar field. Placement onto interior vertices and boundary vertices are handled by separate matrices.

[in]gridXGC grid data structure, type(grid_type)
[out]Amatmatrix for placing surface data onto interior vertices when bcflag=.false. or for placing surface data onto boundary vertices when bcflag = .true., PETSc Mat
[in]bcflagFlag to set either boundary matrix (true) or interior matrix (false), logical
[in]xgc_petscMapping from XGC vertex index to PETSc equation number, integer
[in]petsc_xgc_bdMapping from PETSc equation number to vertex index on solver boundary, integer
[in]mat_assembleWhether to run the final matrix assembly, logical
[in]ierrExit status, PETSc error type

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine fem_operations::fsa_21_t_matrix ( type(grid_type)  grid,
logical, intent(in)  bcflag,
dimension(grid%nnode), intent(in)  xgc_petsc,
dimension(grid%nnode), intent(in)  petsc_xgc_bd,
logical, intent(in)  mat_assemble,
intent(out)  ierr 

This routine sets up the matrices for computing the flux surface average of a 2d scalar field: \( \langle \phi \rangle \). Contributions from the interior vertices and boundary vertices are handled by separate matrices. The matrices are constructed as the transpose of what is to be applied to vectors representing the interior vertices and boundary vertices.

[in]gridXGC grid data structure, type(grid_type)
[out]Amatmatrix for computing the contribution to the surface from interior vertices when bcflag=.false. and for computing the contribution to the surface from boundary vertices when bcflag=.true., PETSc Mat
[in]bcflagFlag to set either boundary matrix (true) or interior matrix (false), logical
[in]xgc_petscMapping from XGC vertex index to PETSc equation number, integer
[in]petsc_xgc_bdMapping from PETSc equation number to vertex index on solver boundary, integer
[in]mat_assembleWhether to run the final matrix assembly, logical
[in]ierrExit status, PETSc error type

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine fem_operations::helm_matrix ( type (grid_type), intent(in)  grid,
intent(inout)  Amat,
type (solver_init_data), intent(in)  solver_data,
real (kind=8), dimension(grid%ntriangle), intent(in)  alpha,
real (kind=8), dimension(grid%ntriangle), intent(in)  beta,
integer, intent(in)  ntor,
logical, intent(in)  set_bmat,
integer, dimension(grid%nnode), intent(in)  bd,
logical, intent(in)  bcflag,
dimension(grid%nnode), intent(in)  xgc_petsc,
dimension(grid%nnode), intent(in)  xgc_petsc_bd,
intent(in)  bs,
intent(in)  idx,
intent(in)  jdx,
logical, intent(in)  mat_assemble,
intent(out)  ierr 

This routine sets up the matrix for the LHS of a Helmholtz equation of the form \(\nabla\cdot\left( \alpha\nabla_\perp\phi\right) + \beta \phi\). The routine loops over triangles, evaluates the stiffness matrix of the problem for the element and then proceeds to populate the RHS matrix of the Helmholtz equation with the proper entries of the stiffness matrix. In order to limit the computing time spent on this, triangles that are completely outside of the mesh area assigned to an MPI rank are skipped.

[out]AmatHelmholtz matrix, PETSc Mat
[in]solver_dataData required for LHS setup (mag. field, etc.), type(solver_init_data)
[in]alphaFactor \(\alpha\) in Helmholtz operator at triangle center, real(8)
[in]betaFactor \(\beta\) in Helmholtz operator at triangle center, real(8)
[in]ntorToroidal mode number or the Fourier mode to be solve (spectral solver only)
[in]set_bmatIf true, the off-diagonal block of the 2x2 spectral solver matrix is constructed
[in]gridXGC grid data structure, type(grid_type)
[in]bdSolver boundary
[in]bcflagFlag indicating the type of boundary condition used, integer
[in]xgc_petscMapping from XGC vertex index to PETSc equation number, integer
[in]xgc_petsc_bdMapping from XGC vertex index on the solver boundary to PETSc equation number
[in]bsBlock size of the matrix in which to add the Helmholtz operator, PETSc int
[in]idxBlock row index at which to add the Helmholtz operator, PETSc int
[in]jdxBlock column index at which to add the Helmholtz operator, PETSc int
[in]scale_vecScaling vector for scaling the rows of Amat, PETSc Vec
[in]mat_assembleWhether to run the final matrix assembly, logical
[in]ierrExit status, PETSc error type

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

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