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cpp_main_loop_module Module Reference

Public Member Functions

subroutine set_sml_istep_and_gstep (istep, gstep)
subroutine set_sml_em_es_step (is_electrostatic, ncycle_half, dt)
 Sets the global variable sml_em_es_step, which indicates whether the electromagnetic or the electrostatic algorithm is used when EXPLICIT_EM=On. The input variable is_electrostatic is controlled by the function switch_em_es in the C++ code. More...
integer function get_spall_num_g (isp)
subroutine set_spall_num_and_ptr (isp, n_ptl, n_vecs, ptl)
subroutine set_min_max_num (isp, n_ptl)
subroutine cce_poisson_turb (adiabatic_in, pot0)
 Core edge coupling for turbulent field. More...
integer function do_diag_marker_den (istep)
integer function do_diag_additional ()
subroutine f_nan_check (f0_f)
subroutine df0g_nan_check_wrap (f0_df0g)
subroutine heat_and_torque_sources_wrap (isp, f0_f, temp_ev, f0_df0g)
subroutine neutral_particle_recycling_wrap (f0_f, f0_df0g, f0_node_cost, axisym_parallelization_int)
subroutine set_sml_time (time)
integer function do_resampling ()
integer function do_f0_upsampling ()
integer function get_resamp_tile_size ()
integer function get_inode1 ()
integer function get_inode2 ()
subroutine mon_write_restart ()
subroutine mon_write_restart_stop ()
subroutine update_lbct_cpp_interface ()
subroutine update_3db_cpp_interface ()
subroutine get_3db_rampup_fac (rampup_fac)
subroutine set_3db_rampup_fac (rampup_fac)
subroutine flush_timers (istep)
subroutine update_solvers_cpp_interface (pbd0, pbdH, AbdH, psi_center, B_center, den_center, temp_center, f0_dden_center, f0_dtemp_center)
integer function force_pseudo_inv ()
integer function pseudo_inv_particles_to_grid_petsc ()
integer function pseudo_inv_delta_grid ()
integer function do_tracer_diag (istep)
integer(8) function get_diag_tracer_gid ()
integer(8) function get_diag_tracer_sp ()
subroutine fourier_filter_m_range_cpp (field_inout)
 This is a C/C++ interface to the Fortran routine fourier_filter_m_range in grid_class. More...

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine cpp_main_loop_module::cce_poisson_turb ( integer  adiabatic_in,
real(8), dimension(grid_global%nnode)  pot0 

Core edge coupling for turbulent field.

[in]adiabatic_in0: full Poisson solve; 1: adiabatic Poisson solve

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine cpp_main_loop_module::df0g_nan_check_wrap ( real (8), dimension(-f0_nvp:f0_nvp, f0_inode1:f0_inode2, f0_imu1:f0_imu2, ptl_isp:ptl_nsp), intent(inout)  f0_df0g)

Here is the call graph for this function:

integer function cpp_main_loop_module::do_diag_additional ( )

Here is the call graph for this function:

integer function cpp_main_loop_module::do_diag_marker_den ( integer, intent(in)  istep)

Here is the call graph for this function:

integer function cpp_main_loop_module::do_f0_upsampling ( )

Here is the call graph for this function:

integer function cpp_main_loop_module::do_resampling ( )

Here is the call graph for this function:

integer function cpp_main_loop_module::do_tracer_diag ( integer, intent(in)  istep)

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine cpp_main_loop_module::f_nan_check ( real (8), dimension(-f0_nvp:f0_nvp, f0_inode1:f0_inode2, f0_imu1:f0_imu2, ptl_isp:ptl_nsp), intent(in)  f0_f)

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine cpp_main_loop_module::flush_timers ( integer  istep)

Here is the call graph for this function:

integer function cpp_main_loop_module::force_pseudo_inv ( )

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine cpp_main_loop_module::fourier_filter_m_range_cpp ( real, dimension(grid_global%nnode), intent(inout)  field_inout)

This is a C/C++ interface to the Fortran routine fourier_filter_m_range in grid_class.

[in,out]field_inoutThe grid-field to be smoothed (effectively pointer to 1D array)

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine cpp_main_loop_module::get_3db_rampup_fac ( real(c_double), intent(out)  rampup_fac)
integer(8) function cpp_main_loop_module::get_diag_tracer_gid ( )

Here is the call graph for this function:

integer(8) function cpp_main_loop_module::get_diag_tracer_sp ( )

Here is the call graph for this function:

integer function cpp_main_loop_module::get_inode1 ( )

Here is the call graph for this function:

integer function cpp_main_loop_module::get_inode2 ( )

Here is the call graph for this function:

integer function cpp_main_loop_module::get_resamp_tile_size ( )

Here is the call graph for this function:

integer function cpp_main_loop_module::get_spall_num_g ( integer  isp)

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine cpp_main_loop_module::heat_and_torque_sources_wrap ( integer  isp,
real (8), dimension(-f0_nvp:f0_nvp, f0_inode1:f0_inode2, f0_imu1:f0_imu2, ptl_isp:ptl_nsp), intent(in)  f0_f,
real (8), dimension(grid_global%nnode), intent(in)  temp_ev,
real (8), dimension(-f0_nvp:f0_nvp, f0_inode1:f0_inode2, f0_imu1:f0_imu2, ptl_isp:ptl_nsp), intent(inout)  f0_df0g 

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine cpp_main_loop_module::mon_write_restart ( )

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine cpp_main_loop_module::mon_write_restart_stop ( )

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine cpp_main_loop_module::neutral_particle_recycling_wrap ( real (8), dimension(-f0_nvp:f0_nvp, f0_inode1:f0_inode2, f0_imu1:f0_imu2, ptl_isp:ptl_nsp), intent(in)  f0_f,
real (8), dimension(-f0_nvp:f0_nvp, f0_inode1:f0_inode2, f0_imu1:f0_imu2, ptl_isp:ptl_nsp), intent(inout)  f0_df0g,
real (8), dimension(f0_inode1:f0_inode2)  f0_node_cost,
integer, intent(in)  axisym_parallelization_int 

Here is the call graph for this function:

integer function cpp_main_loop_module::pseudo_inv_delta_grid ( )

Here is the call graph for this function:

integer function cpp_main_loop_module::pseudo_inv_particles_to_grid_petsc ( )

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine cpp_main_loop_module::set_3db_rampup_fac ( real(c_double)  rampup_fac)
subroutine cpp_main_loop_module::set_min_max_num ( integer  isp,
integer  n_ptl 
subroutine cpp_main_loop_module::set_sml_em_es_step ( integer(c_int)  is_electrostatic,
integer(c_int)  ncycle_half,
real(c_double)  dt 

Sets the global variable sml_em_es_step, which indicates whether the electromagnetic or the electrostatic algorithm is used when EXPLICIT_EM=On. The input variable is_electrostatic is controlled by the function switch_em_es in the C++ code.

[in]is_electrostaticindicator for ES time step, integer
subroutine cpp_main_loop_module::set_sml_istep_and_gstep ( integer  istep,
integer  gstep 
subroutine cpp_main_loop_module::set_sml_time ( real(8), intent(in)  time)
subroutine cpp_main_loop_module::set_spall_num_and_ptr ( integer  isp,
integer  n_ptl,
integer  n_vecs,
type(ptl_type_aosoa), dimension(n_vecs), target  ptl 

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine cpp_main_loop_module::update_3db_cpp_interface ( )

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine cpp_main_loop_module::update_lbct_cpp_interface ( )

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine cpp_main_loop_module::update_solvers_cpp_interface ( integer, dimension(grid_global%nnode)  pbd0,
integer, dimension(grid_global%nnode)  pbdH,
integer, dimension(grid_global%nnode)  AbdH,
real(8), dimension(grid_global%ntriangle)  psi_center,
real(8), dimension(grid_global%ntriangle, 3)  B_center,
real(8), dimension(grid_global%ntriangle, 0:ptl_nsp)  den_center,
real(8), dimension(grid_global%ntriangle, 0:ptl_nsp)  temp_center,
real(8), dimension(grid_global%ntriangle, 0:ptl_nsp)  f0_dden_center,
real(8), dimension(grid_global%ntriangle, 0:ptl_nsp)  f0_dtemp_center 

Here is the call graph for this function:

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