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GyroAverageMatrices< Device > Member List

This is the complete list of members for GyroAverageMatrices< Device >, including all inherited members.

broadcast_potentials(const View< double ***, CLayout, DeviceType > &potential_rho, const View< double ****, CLayout, DeviceType > &gradient_rho, const View< double ***, CLayout, DeviceType > &E_para_em, bool potential_requested, bool gradient_requested, bool E_para_em_requested) const GyroAverageMatrices< Device >
find_a_plane_rank_with_last_gyromatrix() const GyroAverageMatrices< Device >
get_gyroaveraged(const View< double ***, CLayout, DeviceType > &field_rho, const View< double ****, CLayout, DeviceType > &gradient_rho, const View< double ***, CLayout, DeviceType > &E_para_em, bool potential_requested, bool gradient_requested, bool E_para_em_requested) const GyroAverageMatrices< Device >
get_pot_mat_mult(const View< double ***, CLayout, DeviceType > &field_rho, const View< double ****, CLayout, DeviceType > &gradient_rho, const View< double ***, CLayout, DeviceType > &E_para_em, bool potential_requested, bool gradient_requested, bool E_para_em_requested) const GyroAverageMatrices< Device >
gyroaverage_field(const Grid< DeviceType > &grid, View< double ***, CLayout, HostType > &field_rho) const GyroAverageMatrices< Device >
gyroaverage_moments(const View< double **, CLayout, DeviceType > &density_rho, const View< double **, CLayout, DeviceType > &flow_rho, const View< double **, CLayout, DeviceType > &energy_rho, const View< double **, CLayout, DeviceType > &density_f0g_rho, const View< double *, CLayout, DeviceType > &density, const View< double *, CLayout, DeviceType > &flow, const View< double *, CLayout, DeviceType > &energy, const View< double *, CLayout, DeviceType > &density_f0g) const GyroAverageMatrices< Device >
GyroAverageMatrices()GyroAverageMatrices< Device >inline
GyroAverageMatrices(NLReader::NamelistReader &nlr, const Grid< DeviceType > &grid, const DomainDecomposition< DeviceType > &pol_decomp, const MagneticField< DeviceType > &magnetic_field, bool is_field_following, int n_larmor_pts, int nrho_in, double rhomax_in)GyroAverageMatrices< Device >
init_one_gyro_avg_mat(const Grid< DeviceType > &grid, const MagneticField< DeviceType > &magnetic_field, Matrix< Device > &matrix, int iphi, int irho, bool is_field_following, int n_larmor_pts)GyroAverageMatrices< Device >
inv_drhoGyroAverageMatrices< Device >
iterative_gyroaverage(Matrix< DeviceType > &gyromatrix, bool print_residual, View< double *, CLayout, DeviceType > &view) const GyroAverageMatrices< Device >
matricesGyroAverageMatrices< Device >
mirror() const GyroAverageMatrices< Device >inline
nphiGyroAverageMatrices< Device >
nrhoGyroAverageMatrices< Device >
operator[](int i) const GyroAverageMatrices< Device >inline
operator[](int i)GyroAverageMatrices< Device >inline
rhomaxGyroAverageMatrices< Device >
smooth_with_last_gyroaverage(bool print_residual, View< double *, CLayout, DeviceType > &delta_n) const GyroAverageMatrices< Device >
task_groupGyroAverageMatrices< Device >