Git Cheat-Sheet =============== The following is a brief summary of the feature-branch workflow and important Git commands * To get a local working copy of a repository (typically a fork of XGC-Devel or XGC-Full-f) .. code-block:: bash git clone https://[username][repo name].git * This will create a directory called ``[repo name]`` which contains the code of the branch ``master`` * We do not work with the branch ``master`` itself; it is intended to hold the stable, verified version of the code and is updated only through pull requests. * You have to either checkout a feature branch or create a new branch for your code development. * Get a branch (other than ``master``) from the GitHub repository * In directory ``[repo name]`` run .. code-block:: bash git checkout [branch] * This will create a working copy of the branch ``[branch]`` in the remote repository on GitHub on your local computer. This working copy is a branch itself with the name ``[branch]``. * To display the branches available (only the ones that you have checked out before) .. code-block:: bash git branch * To display all branches (including branches that are not on your computer but only in the online repository), remote branches will have the prefix ``remotes/`` .. code-block:: bash git branch -a * To get remote branches to your local working copy .. code-block:: bash git fetch * To switch between branches .. code-block:: bash git checkout [branch] * You can get a list of commits with .. code-block:: bash git log * You can check out a specific commit by using the hexa-decimal number of that commit. Be sure that this commit was for your current branch. .. code-block:: bash git checkout [commit] * Suppose you want to add a feature to the code. To do this, you first checkout the branch you want to start from (typically: ``master``) and then create a copy of it with a different name .. code-block:: bash git checkout [branch name] git checkout –b [username]/[new branch name] [branch name] * This creates a local branch called ``[username]/[new branch name]`` on your local computer, which is a copy of the branch ``[branch name]`` in the remote repository. * Now you can work on your own branch. When you have finished something and want to keep it, you commit the modifications with .. code-block:: bash git commit –am 'a message explaining what you did' * Keep in mind: * No commit message is better than a non-descriptive, generic commit message. So include details that help other users understand what a specific commit includes (especially if you fixed a bug). * Use the following format (use enter for line breaks; the commit is executed only after the closing single quote is entered): .. code-block:: bash 'Subject line: descriptive message' * **NEVER COMMIT DIRTY CODE** * Make sure that your code compiles and runs before you commit. * By committing code that does not compile or run, you make it impossible to use useful tools like ``git bisect`` that helps to identify commits that introduced a bug. * If you have already made a commit and later discover that it does not compile, then it is still possible to correct this mistake so long as the commit has not been merged. Follow `these instructions to rewrite history `_, typically via ``git commit --amend`` (for the most recent commit) or ``git rebase -i`` (for older commits). * If you want to revert your modifications use .. code-block:: bash git checkout . * To make your branch available for others on GitHub, you have to ‘push’ it to the remote repository * To be safe (the branch you have been working on might exist already in the remote repository and others might have modified it) you should ‘pull’ from the remote repository first: .. code-block:: bash git pull origin [your current branch] * This will merge any changes made by others to this branch into your local copy and will notify you if there are any conflicts. * After resolving any conflicts and committing the corresponding changes using ``git commit``, you are ready to ``push`` .. code-block:: bash git push origin [your current branch] * When you are done testing and verifying your modifications in your branch ``[username]/[branch name]`` and think it is ready to be merged into ``master`` * First get an up-to-date copy of ``master`` .. code-block:: bash git checkout master git pull origin master git checkout [username]/[branch name] * For safety (in case someone else is working on your branch): .. code-block:: bash git pull origin [username]/[new feature] * Now merge master into your branch .. code-block:: bash git merge master * Now push to the upstream repository (i.e. GitHub) .. code-block:: bash git push origin [username]/[new feature] * Go to GitHub and create a pull request for your changes to be merged into master of the parent XGC repository and select appropriate reviewers and notify them of you pull request. * If you like, implement the scripts git-completion.bash and (in the directory utils/git_tools in the repository) in your shell environment. The first will add GIT command completion to your shell. The second will display a prompt indicating your current branch and other useful information once you cd to a GIT repository. Instructions for the installation of these scripts is included in the scripts. A small example: .. code-block:: bash 11:47 core_dev ~/Work/Code_development/HBPS Project/XGC-Full-f/XGC-0$ * To use those scripts add the following lines to your ``~/.bashrc`` (``~/.profile`` on OSX) .. code-block:: bash [ -f ~/bin/ ] && . ~/bin/ \ PS1="\A$bold$magenta\$(ret=\$?; [ \$ret -ne 0 ] && echo -n \" \$ret\")$nbold $red\h $cyan\$(__git_ps1 '%s') $green\w$normal\\$ " \ source ~/bin/git-completion.bash` .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3